"Williams, Tad - Shadowmarch" - читать интересную книгу автора (Williams Tad)

lands. By about two centuries before the advent of the
March Kingdoms of the North.
blessed Trigon, it had grown to rival in size and
Summarized by Finn Teodoros, scholar,
sophistication many of the decadent capitals of the
from Clemon's. The History of Our Continent of southern continent.
Eion and its Nations, Hierosol in its early years was a city of many gods and
many competing priesthoods, and matters of doctrinal
at the request of his lordship Avin Brone,
dispute and godly rivalry were often settled by slander
Count of Landsend, Lord Constable of
and arson and bloody riots in the streets. At last, the
followers of three of the most powerful deities - Perin,
Presented this Thirteenthth day of Enneamene, lord of the sky, Erivor of the waters, and Kernios,
in the year 1316 of the Holy Trigon. master of th e black earth - made a compact. This
trigon, the coalition of the three gods and their
followers, quickly lifted itself above all the other

priesthoods and their temples in power. Its leader took
the name Trigonarch, and he and his successors
For almost a thousand years before our Trigonate became the mightiest religious figures in all of Eion.
Era, history was written only in the ancient kingdoms With rich trade flooding through its ports, its army and
of Xand, the southern continent that was the world's navy growing in power, and religious authority now
first seat of civilization. The Xandians knew little about consolidated in the hands of the Trigonate, Hierosol
their northern neighbor, our continent of Eion, became not just the dominant power in Eion, but
because most of its interior was hidden by impassable eventually, as the empires of the southern continent
mountains and dense forests.The southerners traded Xand spiraled down into decadence, of all the known
only with a few pale -skinned savages who dwelled world. Hierosoline supremacy lasted for almost six
along the coasts, and knew little or nothing about the hundred years before the empire collapsed at last of
mysterious Twilight People, called "Qar" by the its own weight, falling before waves of raiders from the
scholarly, who lived in many places across Eion, but Kracian peninsula and the southern continent.
were and are most numerous in the far north of our
Younger kingdoms in Eion's heartland rose from
Hierosol's imperial ashes. Syan outstripped the
As generations passed and Xandian trade with Eion others, and in the ninth century seized the Trigonate
increased, Hierosol, the chief of the new trading port itself, moving the Trigonarchy and all its great church
13 14
from Hierosol to Tessis, where they still remain. Syan the dying, and even the priests of Kernios would not
became the seat of fashion and learning for all Eion, help perform ceremonies for the dead. Entire villages
and is still by most measures the leading power of our were left empty except for corpses. By the end of the
continent today, but its neighbors have long since first year it was said that a quarter of the people in the
shrugged off the mantle of the Syannese Empire. southern cities of Eion had succumbed, and when the
plague returned with the warm weather the following
spring, and even more died, many folk believed the

end of the world had come. The Trigon and its priests
declared that the plague was punishment for the
Since a time before history, the men of Eion have irrehgiousness of mankind, but most men at first