"David Wingrove - Chung Kuo 7 - Days of Bitter Strength" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wingrove David)

the scenes as the great War of the Two Directions takes a new turn. Defeated first on Chung Kuo and
then on Mars, he fled outward, to the tenth planet, Pluto, and its twin, Charon. From there he launched a
new, massive attack on Chung Kuo, which was only defeated at great cost to Li Yuan and his allies.
Now, after a dozen years away, he is set to return.

Ebert, Hans - Son of Klaus Ebert and heir to the vast GenSyn Corporation, he was promoted to
General in Li Yuan's Security forces, and was admired and trusted by his superiors. Secretly, however,
he was allied to DeVore, and was subsequently implicated in the murder of his father. Having fled Chung
Kuo, he was declared a traitor in his absence. After suffering exile, he found himself again, among the lost
African tribe, the Osu, in the desert sands of Mars, where he became their spiritual leader, the "Walker in
the Darkness". Returning to Chung Kuo, he played a major part in helping Li Yuan defeat DeVore and
was pardoned. Now he lives with the Osu in their new homeland in Africa.

Karr, Gregor - Marshal of the European Security forces, he was recruited by General Tolonen from the
Net. In his youth he was a "blood" - a to-the-death combat fighter. A huge man physically, he is also one
of Li Yuan's "most-trusted men". As a respected pillar of society and the father of four growing daughters
he has risen beyond all early expectations and is now a pivotal figure in the politics of City Europe.

Li Yuan - T'ang of Europe and one of the Seven, as second son of Li Shai Tung, he inherited after the
deaths of his brother and father. Considered old before his time, he none the less has a passionate side to
his nature, as demonstrated in his brief marriage to his brother's wife, the beautiful Fei Yen. His
subsequent remarriage ended in tragedy when his three wives were assassinated. Despite his subsequent
marriage to Pei K'ung, his real concern is for his son, Kuei Jen.

Pei K'ung - Fifth wife of Li Yuan, she is eighteen years his elder and a plain, straightforward woman
from a Minor Family background. Ten years ago she was handed the reins of domestic government by Li
Yuan and that experience has changed her profoundly, as has her belated discovery of sex in all its forms.

Shepherd, Ben - Great-great-grandson of City Earth's architect, Shepherd was brought up in the
Domain, an idyllic valley in the south-west of England, where he pursues his artistic calling, developing a
new art form, the "Shell": a machine which mimics the experience of life. In his middle years, however, he has
become far more involved in politics and -against all expectations - is now Li Yuan's closest advisor.

Ward, Jelka - Daughter of Marshal Tolonen, Jelka was brought up in a very masculine environment, lacking in a
mother's love and influence. Yet her attempts to re-create herself - to find a balance in her life - have only brought her
into conflict, first with a young soldier, and then with her father, who - to prevent her having a relationship with Kim
Ward - despatched her on a tour of the Colony Planets. Returned, she married Kirn and is now his inseparable
helpmeet and mother of his two children, Sampsa and Mileja.

Ward, Kim - Born in the Clay, that dark wasteland beneath the great City's foundations, Kim has survived various
personal crises to become Chung Kuo's leading experimental scientist. Hired by the massive SimFic Corporation as a
commodity-slave on a seven-year contract, he finally achieved his ambition of marrying the Marshal's daughter. Now,
as head of NorTek Europe, he is one of City Europe's richest and most powerful men.

Hsiang Lu Yeh - Minor Family Prince

Hsun Chu-lo - Minor Family Princess and first daughter of Hsun Teh