74. С. G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche; trsl. R. F. C. Hull, The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, 1972.
75. C. G. Jung amp; C. Kerenyi, Introduction to a Science of Mythology, trsl. R. F.C. Hull, London,1951.
76. J.Maynard Keynes, A Treatise on Probability, London,1921.
77. Soren Kierkegaard, Either/Or, trsl. W. Lowrae, London, 1944.
78. Kore Kosmu; trsl. W. Scott, Hermetica, Oxford, 1924.
79. Hans Leisegang, Die Gnosis, Leipzig, 1924.
80. Eliphas Levi, Dogme et rituel de la haute magie; trsl. A. E. Waite, Transcendental Magic. Its Doctrine and Ritual, London 1968.
81. Eliphas Levi, Le Grande Arcane ou l'occttltisme devoile,Paris, 1921.
82. Eliphas Levi, The Key of the Mysteries; trsl. A. Crowley, London, 1969.
83. The Life of St. Teresa of Avila; trsl. J. M. Cohen, London, 1957.
84. The Little Flowers of St. Francis; trsl. T.Okey.London, 1963.
85. Arthur Ludwich, Anecdota astrologica, Leipzig, 1877.
86. P. Mandonnet, La Canonisation deSt. Thomas d'Aquin, in Melanges Thomistes, 1923.
87. Jean Marques-Riviere, Histoiredes doctrines esoteriques, Paris, 1950.
88. Paul Marteau, Le Tarot de Marseille, Paris, 1949.
89. R. P. Masani, The Religion of the Good Life. Zoroastrianism, London, 1938.
90. J. Maxwell, LeTarot, Paris, 1933.
91. Dr. Etienne May, La medicine, son passe, son present,son avenir, Paris, 1957.
92. Monumenta historica Societatis Jesu, Scripta deSancto Ignatio, Madrid, 1904.
93. Olimpiodorus, In Platonis Phaedonem commentaria/ Commentary on the Phaedo of Plato; ed. W. Norvin, Leipzig, 1913.
94. Fabred'Olivet. L'histoire philosophique du genre humain;trsl. N.L. Redfidd, Hermeneutic Interpretation of the Origin of the Social State of Man and the Destiny of the Adamic Race, London—New York, 1915.
95. Origen, Contra Celsum; trsl. H; Chadwick, Cambridge, 1953.
96. Origen, De principiis; trsl. G. W. Butterworth, On First Principles, New York. 1966.
97. Origen, In libra Jesum Nave, ed. W. A. Baehrens, Die griechischen cristlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte, vol. 7, Leipzig, 1921.
98. Origen, In libra Judicum; ed. Baehrens, Leipzig, 1921
99. Wilhelm Ostwald, Die Farben fibel, Leipzig, 1916.
100. Papus, La science des mages, Paris, 1974.
101. Papus, Traite elementaire de science occulte, Paris, 1888.
102. Papus, Traite methodique de magie pratique, Paris, 1970.
103. J. Peladan, Comment on devientmage, Paris, 1892.
104. J. Peladan, Introduction aux sciences occultes, Paris, 1952.
105. J.Peladan, L'oceulte catholique,Paris, 1898.
106. J. Peladan, Traite des antinomies, Paris, 1901.
107. Plato, Dialogues apocryphes, in Oeuvres completes: French trsl. byJ. Souilhe, Paris, 1930.
108. Plato, Menon; trsl. W. R. M. Lamb, London, 1924.
109. Plato, Seventh Letter, trsl. byR. S. Bluck. in Plato's Life and Thought, London, 1949.
110. Plotinus, Ennead; trsl. A. H. Armstrong, London, 1966.
111. Plotinus, Ennead; trsl. S. McKenna, The Enneads, London, 1969.
112. Poemander, trsl. Dr. Everard, The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, London, 1884.
113. Porphyry, Isagoge; trsl. E. W. Warren, Mediaeval Sources in Translation, Toronto, 1975.
114. Rigveda; trsl. P. Lal, The Golden Womb of the Sun, Calcutta, 1965.
115. Gerard van Rijnberk, Le Tarot, Lyons, 1947.
116. Gerard van Rijnberk, Les metasciences biohgiques — metaphysiologie et metapsychologie, Paris, 1952.
117. Julius Ruska, Tabula Smaragdina, Heidelberg, 1926.
118. Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, Des Nombres, Nice, 1946.
119. Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, Mon portrait historique et philosophique, 1789—1803, Paris, 1961.
120. Sallustius, Concerning the Gods and the Universe, trsl. A. D. Nock, Cambridge, 1926
121. L. Schaya, L'homme et I'absolue selon la Kabbale, Paris, 1958.
122. Friedrich Schiller, Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man; trsl. E. M. Wilkinson amp; L. A. Willoughby, Oxford, 1967.
123. К. С. Schmieder, Geschichte der Alchemie, Halle, 1832.
124. Gerschom G. Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, London, 1937,1955.
125. Paul Sedir, Histoire et doctrine des rose-croix, Paris, 1964,
126. Sepher Yetzirah; trsl, W. Wynn Westcott, London, 1893.
127. Henri Serouya, La Kabbale, Paris, 1956.
128. Tabula Smaragdina; trsl. R. Steele amp; D. W. Singer, in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine XXI, 1928.
129. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Christianity and Evolution; trsl. R. Hague, London, 1971.
130. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Future of Man; trsl. N. Denny, London, 1964.
131. St. Teresa of Avila, The Interior Castle; trsl. by the Benedictines of Stanbrook, revised by B.Zinimerman, London, 1906.
132. Vedic Hymns; trsl. E. J. Thomas.London, 1923.
133. Paul Verlaine, Poemes Saturniens; trsl. B. Hill, The Sky above the Roof, London, 1957.
134. Vishvasara Tantra; trsl. Arthur Avalon, The Serpent Power, London, 1919.
135. Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea; trsl. G. Ryan amp; H. Ripperger, The Golden Legend. New York, 1948.
136. Francis Warrain, La theodicee de la Kabbale, Paris, 1949.
137. William of Tocco, Vita Sancti Thomae Aquinatis.
138. Oswald Wirth, Le TarOtdes imagiers du moyen age, Paris, 1927.