"ANASHUYA" - читать интересную книгу автора (William Butler Yeats - 300+ Poems)ANASHUYA AND VIJAYA
A i{little Indian temple} in i{the Golden Age.} Around it i{a garden;} i{around that the forest. Anashuya, the young priestess, kneelinq} i{within the temple.} i{Anashuya.} Send peace on all the lands and flickering corn. -- O, may tranquillity walk by his elbow When wandering in the forest, if he love No other. -- Hear, and may the indolent flocks Be plentiful. -- And if he love another, May panthers end him. -- Hear, and load our king With wisdom hour by hour. -- May we two stand, When we are dead, beyond the setting suns, A little from the other shades apart, With mingling hair, and play upon one lute. i{Vijaya [entering and throwing} a i{lily at her].} Hail! hail, my Anashuya. i{Anashuya.} No: be still. I, priestess of this temple, offer up prayers for the land. i{Vijaya. I} will wait here, Amrita. i{Anashuya.} By mighty Brahma's ever-rustling robe, Who is Amrita? Sorrow of all sorrows! Another fills your mind. i{Anashuya [sings, coming out} of i{the temple].} A sad, sad i{thought went by me slowly:} i{Sigh,} O i{you little stars.!} O i{sigh and shake your blue} i{apparel.!} i{The sad, sad thought} has i{gone from me now wholly:} i{Sing,} O you i{little stars.!} O i{sing and raise your rapturous} i{carol} i{To mighty Brahma,} be i{who made you many} as i{the sands,} i{And laid you} on i{the gates} of i{evening with his quiet hands.} i{(Sits down on the steps of the temple.j} Vijaya, I have brought my evening rice; The sun has laid his chin on the grey wood, Weary, with all his poppies gathered round him. i{Vijaya.} The hour when Kama, full of sleepy laughter, Rises, and showers abroad his fragrant arrows, Piercing the twilight with their murmuring barbs. i{Anashuya.} See-how the sacred old flamingoes come. Painting with shadow all the marble steps: Aged and wise, they seek their wonted perches Within the temple, devious walking, made To wander by their melancholy minds. Yon tall one eyes my supper; chase him away, Far, far away. I named him after you. He is a famous fisher; hour by hour |