distant place ..."
"I am that Tak, madam."
She seated herself upon the sill. After a time, he
realized that she was weeping, within her veil.
"Don't cry, goddess. Tak is here. Remember Tak, of
the Archives? Of the Bright Spear? He stands yet ready
to do thy bidding."
"Tak ..." she said. "Oh, Taki You, too? I did not
knowl I never heard ..."
"Another turning of the wheel, madam, and who
knows? Things may yet be better than even once they
Her shoulders shook. He reached out, drew back his
She turned and took it.
After an age, she spoke:
"Not by the normal course of events shall we be
restored or matters settled, Tak of the Bright Spear. We
must beat our own path."
"What mean you?" he inquired; then, "Sam?"
She nodded.
"He is the one. He is our hope against Heaven, dear
Tak. If he can be recalled, we have a chance to live
"This is why you have taken this chance, why you
yourself sit within the jaws of the tiger?"
"Why else? When there is no real hope we must mint
our own. If the coin be counterfeit it still may be