"Samuel Beckett "Waiting for Godot" (tragicomedy in 2 acts)" - читать интересную книгу автора His books.
ESTRAGON: His bank account. VLADIMIR: Before taking a decision. ESTRAGON: It's the normal thing. VLADIMIR: Is it not? ESTRAGON: I think it is. VLADIMIR: I think so too. Silence. ESTRAGON: (anxious). And we? VLADIMIR: I beg your pardon? ESTRAGON: I said, And we? VLADIMIR: I don't understand. ESTRAGON: Where do we come in?_ VLADIMIR: ESTRAGON: Take your time. VLADIMIR: Come in? On our hands and knees. ESTRAGON: As bad as that? VLADIMIR: Your Worship wishes to assert his prerogatives? ESTRAGON: We've no rights any more? Laugh of Vladimir, stifled as before, less the smile. VLADIMIR: You'd make me laugh if it wasn't prohibited. ESTRAGON: We've lost our rights? VLADIMIR: (distinctly). We got rid of them. Silence. They remain motionless, arms dangling, heads sunk, sagging at the knees. ESTRAGON: (feebly). We're not tied? (Pause.) We're not- VLADIMIR: Listen! They listen, grotesquely rigid. |