"Samuel Beckett "Waiting for Godot" (tragicomedy in 2 acts)" - читать интересную книгу автора ESTRAGON:
It's a carrot. VLADIMIR: So much the better, so much the better. (Pause.) What was it you wanted to know? ESTRAGON: I've forgotten. (Chews.) That's what annoys me. (He looks at the carrot appreciatively, dangles it between finger and thumb.) I'll never forget this carrot. (He sucks the end of it meditatively.) Ah yes, now I remember. VLADIMIR: Well? ESTRAGON: (his mouth full, vacuously). We're not tied? VLADIMIR: I don't hear a word you're saying. ESTRAGON: (chews, swallows). I'm asking you if we're tied. VLADIMIR: Tied? ESTRAGON: Ti-ed. VLADIMIR: How do you mean tied? ESTRAGON: VLADIMIR: But to whom? By whom? ESTRAGON: To your man. VLADIMIR: To Godot? Tied to Godot! What an idea! No question of it. (Pause.) For the moment. ESTRAGON: His name is Godot? VLADIMIR: I think so. ESTRAGON: Fancy that. (He raises what remains of the carrot by the stub of leaf, twirls it before his eyes.) Funny, the more you eat the worse it gets. VLADIMIR: With me it's just the opposite. ESTRAGON: In other words? VLADIMIR: I get used to the muck as I go along. ESTRAGON: (after prolonged reflection). Is that the opposite? VLADIMIR: Question of temperament. |