"Samuel Beckett "Waiting for Godot" (tragicomedy in 2 acts)" - читать интересную книгу автораanywhere. (He looks at the sky.) Look! (All look at the sky except Lucky
who is dozing off again. Pozzo jerks the rope.) Will you look at the sky, pig! (Lucky looks at the sky.) Good, that's enough. (They stop looking at the sky.) What is there so extraordinary about it? Qua sky. It is pale and luminous like any sky at this hour of the day. (Pause.) In these latitudes. (Pause.) When the weather is fine. (Lyrical.) An hour ago (he looks at his watch, prosaic) roughly (lyrical) after having poured forth even since (he hesitates, prosaic) say ten o'clock in the morning (lyrical) tirelessly torrents of red and white light it begins to lose its effulgence, to grow pale (gesture of the two hands lapsing by stages) pale, ever a little paler, a little paler until (dramatic pause, ample gesture of the two hands flung wide apart) pppfff! finished! it comes to rest. But- (hand raised in admonition)- but behind this veil of gentleness and peace, night is charging (vibrantly) and will burst upon us (snaps his fingers) pop! like that! (his inspiration leaves him) just when we least expect it. (Silence. Gloomily.) That's how it is on this bitch of an earth. Long silence. ESTRAGON: So long as one knows. VLADIMIR: One can bide one's time. ESTRAGON: One knows what to expect. VLADIMIR: ESTRAGON: Simply wait. VLADIMIR: We're used to it. He picks up his hat, peers inside it, shakes it, puts it on. POZZO: How did you find me? (Vladimir and Estragon look at him blankly.) Good? Fair? Middling? Poor? Positively bad? VLADIMIR: (first to understand). Oh very good, very very good. POZZO: (to Estragon). And you, Sir? ESTRAGON: Oh tray bong, tray tray tray bong. POZZO: (fervently). Bless you, gentlemen, bless you! (Pause.) I have such need of encouragement! (Pause.) I weakened a little towards the end, you didn't notice? VLADIMIR: Oh perhaps just a teeny weeny little bit. ESTRAGON: I thought it was intentional. POZZO: You see my memory is defective. |