"Samuel Beckett "Waiting for Godot" (tragicomedy in 2 acts)" - читать интересную книгу автора POZZO:
Woaa! Lucky stiffens. ESTRAGON: Tell us about the time he refused. POZZO: With pleasure, with pleasure. (He fumbles in his pockets.) Wait. (He fumbles.) What have I done with my spray? (He fumbles.) Well now isn't that . . . (He looks up, consternation on his features. Faintly.) I can't find my pulverizer! ESTRAGON: (faintly). My left lung is very weak! (He coughs feebly. In ringing tones.) But my right lung is as sound as a bell! POZZO: (normal voice). No matter! What was I saying. (He ponders.) Wait. (Ponders.) Well now isn't that . . . (He raises his head.) Help me! ESTRAGON: Wait! VLADIMIR: Wait! POZZO: Wait! All three take off their hats simultaneously, press their hands to their foreheads, concentrate. ESTRAGON: VLADIMIR: He has it. POZZO: (impatient). Well? ESTRAGON: Why doesn't he put down his bags? VLADIMIR: Rubbish! POZZO: Are you sure? VLADIMIR: Damn it haven't you already told us? POZZO: I've already told you? ESTRAGON: He's already told us? VLADIMIR: Anyway he has put them down. ESTRAGON: (glance at Lucky). So he has. And what of it? VLADIMIR: Since he has put down his bags it is impossible we should have asked why he does not do so. POZZO: |