"W.H.Auden. Selected poems (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора


Selected poems


W. H. Auden by J. D. McClatchy

The Wanderer
O Where Are You Going?
Our Hunting Fathers
On This Island
As I Walked Out One Evening
Fish in the Unruffled Lakes
Autumn Song
Death's Echo
Muse des Beaux Arts
from In Time of War
In Memory of W. B. Yeats
Law Like Love
Under Which Lyre
A Walk After Dark
The More Loving One
The Shield of Achilles
Friday's Child
Thanksgiving for a Habitat
The Common Life
August 1968
Moon Landing
River Profile
A New Year Greeting

In certain poems the audio version differs from the published text.


(from a preface by J. D. McClatchy)

When he arrived at Oxford as an undergraduate, W. H. Auden went to see
his tutor in literature, who asked the young man what he meant to do in
later life. "I am going to be a poet," Auden answered. "Ah, yes," replied
the tutor, and began a small lecture on verse exercises improving one's
prose. Auden scowled. "You don't understand at all," he interrupted. "I mean
a great poet."