"Как самому сделать атомную бомбу" - читать интересную книгу автора . .
. ============================================================================ - Diagram Outline - --------------------- [1] Vaporization Point ------------------ Everything is vaporized by the atomic blast. 98% fatalities. Overpress=25 psi. Wind velocity=320 mph. [2] Total Destruction ----------------- All structures above ground are destroyed. 90% fatalities. Overpress=17 psi. Wind velocity=290 mph. [3] Severe Blast Damage ------------------- Factories and other large-scale building collapse. Severe damage to highway bridges. Rivers sometimes flow countercurrent. 65% fatalities, 30% injured. [4] Severe Heat Damage ------------------ Everything flammable burns. People in the area suffocate due to the fact that most available oxygen is consumed by the fires. 50% fatalities, 45% injured. Overpress=6 psi. Wind velocity=140 mph. [5] Severe Fire & Wind Damage ------------------------- Residency structures are severely damaged. People are blown around. 2nd and 3rd-degree burns suffered by most survivors. 15% dead. 50% injured. Overpress=3 psi. Wind velocity=98 mph. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Blast Zone Radii - ---------------------- [3 different bomb types] ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ |