"Лорд Дансени. The Glittering Gate (Блистающие врата) (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автораLord Dunsany.
The Glittering Gate Persons , lately a burglar \_ Both dead, " " " / Scene: A Lonely Place. Time: The present. {The Lonely Place is strewn with large black rocks andbeer-bottles, the latter in great profusion. Atis a wall of granite built of great slabs, and in itGate of Heaven. The door is of gold. Below the Lonely Place is an abyss hung with stars. The rising curtain reveals Jim wearily uncorking abottle. Then he tilts it slowly and with infinite. It proves to be empty. Faint and unpleasant laughterheard off. This action and accompanying far laughter arecontinually throughout the play. Corked bottlesdiscovered lying behind rocks, and more descendthrough the air, within reach of Jim. All provebe empty. : {weighing one carefully} That's a full one. {It is empty, like all} {Singing is heard off left.} : {enters from left with a bullet-hole over his eye, singing} Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves. {Breaking off his song} Why, 'ullo. 'Ere's a bottle of beer. {Finds it empty; looking off and downward} I'm getting a bit tired of those blooming great stars down there and this rocky ledge. I've been walking along under this wall ever since. Why, it must be twenty-four hours since that householder shot me. And he need n't have done it, either, *I* was n't going to hurt the bloke. I only wanted a bit of his silver stuff. It felt funny, that did. Hullo, a gate. Why, that's the Gate of Heaven. Well, well. So that's all right. {Looks up and up for some time} No. I can't climb *that* wall. Why, it's got no top to it. Up and up it goes. {Knocks at the door and waits} : That is n't for the likes of us. : Why, hullo, there's another bloke. Why, somebody's been hanging him. Why, if it is n't old Jim! Jim! |