"Лорд Дансени. The Gods of the Mountain (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора Agmar:
They have seen their own fears dancing in the desert. They have seen something green after the light was gone, and some child has told them a tale that it was us. I do not know what they have seen. What should they have seen? Ulf: Something was coming this way from the desert, he said. Slag: What should come from the desert? Agmar: They are a foolish people. Ulf: That man's white face has seen some frightful thing. Agmar: It is only we that have frightened them and their fears have made them foolish. {Enter an Attendant with a torch or lantern which he places in a receptacle. Exit.} Thahn: Now we shall see the faces of the girls when they come to the banquet. Mlan: Never had beggars such a time. Agmar: Hark! They are coming. I hear footsteps. Thahn: The dancing girls! They are coming! Thief: There is no sound of flutes, they said they would come with music. Oogno: What heavy boots they have; they sound like feet of stone. Thahn: I do not like to hear their heavy tread. Those that would dance to *us* must be light of foot. |