"Роберт Догерти. Зона 51 (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автораfilm. Then most of the time he lets us climb
gles away from the bright lights of the facility itself, which up." would overload the computer enhancer built into them. He "Most of the time?" Simmons asked. checked out the long landing strip. It was over fifteen thou- "Yeah. Sometimes, maybe three or four times, he told us sand feet long and reputed to be the longest in the world, to go home." yet its very existence was denied by the government. Then "I thought you said this was public land," Simmons said. he looked over the rest of the lake bed, trying to see if "It is." there was anything else of interest. "So why did you leave those times?" A small spark flickered in the eyepiece and Simmons Franklin looked very uncomfortable. "The sheriff told us twisted his head, trying to catch what had caused it. He he couldn't be responsible for our safety if we continued looked down and to the right and was rewarded by another on. It was like a code between him and me, man. I knew that was when I was supposed to go back to the mailbox brief spark. A pair of four-wheel all-terrain vehicles were and watch." making their way along a switchback about four miles "And what happened those nights?" Simmons asked. answer. darkened headlights. Each of the drivers had goggles "Those are the nights you spotted strange lights doing strapped over the front of his helmet. unexplainable maneuvers in the air on the other side of the Simmons tapped Franklin and handed him the goggles. mountaintop. This mountaintop," Simmons said with a bit "There. You see those two guys on the ATVs?" of heat in his voice. Franklin looked and nodded. "Yeah, I see 'em." "Yeah." "Are they the 'camo dudes' you were telling me about?" "So this is the first time you've ever been up here and "I've never seen them on ATVs before," Franklin said, they didn't know you were up here. This might be a night "but, yeah, those are camo dudes. And, actually, I've never you were supposed to go back to the mailbox." seen them on the inside of the mountain before. They al- "Yeah." ways came up on us on the other side." He handed the That explained why Franklin was carrying the only cam- goggles back. "They can't get up here on those things any- era, Simmons realized. Franklin was using him as a cover in way. The closest they can get is maybe a mile away." case they were caught, probably hoping that Simmons's "Have you ever pulled the road sensors before?" Sim- status would |