"Роберт Догерти. Зона 51 (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

necessary for an intimate relationship. Johnny had been
very nice about it and they'd backed off, not speaking to Kelly smiled
as she walked over to her stereo system
each other for a while, then slowly reentered each other's precariously perched
on a bookcase made up of cinder
lives, testing the waters of friendship. blocks and planks
of wood. Johnny knew her and he had a
Kelly felt they had cemented that friendship after three good sense of
humor, but even the humor couldn't erase
years when Johnny had returned from a photojournalist the instant bad
feeling the Nellis Air Force Base reference
assignment into El Salvador, where he had been docu- had evoked. That
Air Force intelligence officer had de-
menting right-wing death squads. He'd holed up in her stroyed her career
in filmmaking.
apartment for two months, decompressing from that Pushing away
the negative thoughts, Kelly put the tape
ordeal. One or the other would call every month or so and in, then continued
they would catch up on their lives and know there was
someone out there who cared. Last she'd heard, he was Okay. I'll give
you the same information that was in
also working freelance, doing articles for whichever maga- the letter I
received with the tape. In fact, I'll give you
zine was willing to cough up some money. a copy of the
letter that came with it. Next page, if you
She slit the envelope open and was surprised to see an please.


Kelly turned the page to find a Xerox copy of a typewrit- wasn't someone
holding a tape recorder up to a radio
ten letter. speaker. There
was a clear hiss of static at the end of each
and three distinct voices, as the letter had
Mister Simmons,

In this package you will find a tape recording I made "Victor
Two Three, this is Dreamland Control. You
on the evening of 23 October of this year. I was scan- are violating
restricted airspace. You will immediately