"Dafydd ab Hugh, Brad Linaweawer DOOM: Hell on Earth (english)" - читать интересную книгу автораThey searched us both thoroughly, found the
knife, and impounded it. We were weaponless. In a way, I was glad. These guys weren't acting like ama- teurs . . . which meant they had a chance against the invaders. "Okay," said the man with the bird gun, "we'll take you to the President of the Council of Twelve." Arlene grimaced, which told me she knew what he was talking about; but she kept her promise. Not a word came out of her about the religious stuff. The title sounded impressive enough to tell me that the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints was still in business big-time. Maybe she was right, and they were a cult; but I don't know any difference between a cult and a religion except as a popularity contest. They had survived, and we needed allies against the monsters. I knew one more thing about the Mormons that I hadn't mentioned to Arlene during our little chat in the desert. A friend I trusted with Washington con- nections told me that a good part of Mormon self- reliance was to really prepare for every eventuality. After their tumultuous history, extreme caution was understandable. Result: there were a lot of Mormons in the government ... in the FBI, in the various who tried to play Hitler with the Mormons as the Jews! The Mormons should be ideal allies against a literal demonic invasion. Arlene and I would find out soon enough. 8 As we were led through the streets of SLC, I allowed myself to hope that Arlene and I had lucked out by landing here. If I were still a praying man, I'd burn candles and say a few Ave Marias that we wouldn't find a spidermind sitting in the Mormon Tabernacle . . . which loomed closer and closer, obvi- ously our destination. The people in the street gave us a wide berth as we passed, but they didn't act unfriendlyЧjust cautious. No one acted like an idiot. I hoped it stayed that way. Suddenly, a man on a big motorcycle roared over to us and stopped a few inches away, kicking up dust. He wore a business suit. "Hey, Jerry," he said. "Hey, Nate," said Jerry. "Folks, this is my brother, Nate. I'd introduce you, but I don't know your names," "Now, Jerry," said Albert, "you know better than that. The President of the Twelve hasn't interviewed them yet. They should give their names to him." |