"Del Rey Internet Newsletter #38" - читать интересную книгу автора

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The long-awaited THE RINGWORLD THRONE by Larry Niven, previously an August
1996 hardcover, will now be published in June 1996.

LATEST EXCERPTS ONLINE=============================================

Sample chapters of some of our upcoming and recent (and some of our
favorite, neither upcoming nor recent) books are available online (for
free, of course). This month's books are THE WARRIOR RETURNS by Allan
MAGIC, Book Two: THE SHADOWSMITH by Geary Gravel. Descriptions above in
"What's New in the Stores."

NOTE: Problems with our printer's BBS system have delayed two of this
month's three sample chapters. THE WARRIOR RETURNS is available now; the
other two books should be online by the middle of the month. Sorry!

You can get the sample chapters a few different ways: they're on the Del
Rey Web site (http://www.randomhouse.com/delrey/) and on the Panix gopher
(gopher.panix.com) in the Del Rey Books directory; you can request them via
e-mail from the Del Rey fileserver ([email protected]; SENDME
sample.warriorreturns, sample.beforeinvid, or sample.shadowsmith) and
they'll be available in CompuServe's SFLit Library 2 and AOL's SF and
Fantasy libraries, too. (For a list of all sample chapters available via
the fileserver, send a message to [email protected] with "LIST sample" as
the body of the message.)

IN DEPTH========================================================

"Where do you get your ideas?" is one of the most common, and most
dreaded, questions the fiction author faces. Usually the answer is vague
and unsatisfying, but every once in a while a book has a moment of
inspiration behind it. Here Allan Cole tells about one such moment:

The idea for THE WARRIOR RETURNS came to me during an ice storm. I'd always

known the final novel in the four-part _Anteros_ cycle would be about Rali
Emilie Antero--Amalric's warrior sister. Who else but Rali could clean
up whatever mess was left behind when Amalric stepped off the stage?
She's mentioned in passing in KINGDOMS OF THE NIGHT--the third book in
the series--and her fate was left purposefully vague and mysterious. All
Amalric tells us in his journal is that she'd disappeared on a long voyage
many years before.

I had yet to exchange the chilly wilds of Washington State for my new
home in the sunshine of the New Mexican high desert when the time came