"Mikhail Evstafiev. Two Steps From Heaven " - читать интересную книгу автора

spooks was very crafty, retreating from battle along mountain tracks,
underground tunnels ... But Chistyakov got his way, did some shooting later
... battalion reconnaissance took three prisoners... one spook was bumped
off on the way ...

All these days, the simplicity and unexpectedness of Panasyuk's death
haunted Sharagin and the war, which had previously given special color to
the imagination, a whole spectrum of exhilarating shades and fascinating
variety of sounds, now seemed bleak and almost monochrome. Earlier the war
had enticed and beckoned with unlimited shooting, frightened from afar with
shell explosions, warned against hidden peril with triggered mines which
concussed but did not kill. Now, for the first time, war had struck a vital
blow, which was serious and extremely painful. War had descended suddenly on
all sides, grim, real, merciless. From now on, Death kept a sharp eye on
every individual, walked in step and whispered something, its breath cold on
the back of the neck.
The bath-house was fast becoming cold. Sharagin splashed a few dippers
on the stones, climbed on to the top bench, stretched himself, closed his
eyes and relaxed. He almost fell asleep. Once something similar happened to
Pashkov, who had drunk a lot, set out for a steam bath and went to sleep on
the top bench. If it were not for the soldier who stood guard at the
bath-house, Pashkov would have been broiled like a lobster. When he was
shaken awake, he could barely move his whiskers and had no idea about where
he was. He drank nothing but mineral water for a whole week after that. When
Sharagin had soaked enough and washed himself clean, he felt fresh in mind
and body

... like a newborn baby...

He went out into the dressing room and was already standing on the
plank floor, barefoot and in his underpants, when he suddenly felt a sharp
surge of desire twist him up inside. Male need.
In order not to embarrass himself before other officers, he bent over
quickly, sat on a bench and pulled on his trousers.
He had forgotten all about that in the last few months, but now, after
the bath, he needed a woman. Badly. So much that he ground his teeth.

... you couldn't bend it using both hands...

The meager handful of women in the company were all accounted for.
Paired off, living with senior officers, no way you could approach them.
Sharagin went out and lit a cigarette.

... it's easier for the "elephants" ... those who are more shy,
masturbate in secret, on sentry duty, when else is a soldier alone? or in
the latrine, surrounded by the stink of shit...but what am I to do? I don't
know how to do it for money ... guzzling vodka is all that's left!... Zhenka
manages much better, straight into battle with reconnaissance and claims
victory over the latest girl...and forgets about it the next day...