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that they would stop for the night. Tom lifted an arm in acknowledgment and
then set to unhitching his team.
No longer able to see the races in the dark void of the western sky,
Jennsen turned back to Richard. "I take it their feathers are tipped in
Before Richard had a chance to answer, Cara spoke in a silken voice
that was pure menace. "They look like death itself drips from the tips of
their feathers--like the Keeper of the underworld has been using their
wicked quills to write death warrants."
Cara loathed seeing those birds anywhere near Richard or Kahlan. Kahlan
shared the sentiment.
Jennsen's gaze fled Cara's heated expression. She redirected her
suspicion to Richard.
"Are they causing you ... some kind of trouble?"
Kahlan pressed a fist to her abdomen, against the ache of dread stirred
by the question.
Richard appraised Jennsen's troubled eyes. "The races are tracking us."


Jennsen frowned. "What?"
Richard gestured between Kahlan and himself. "The races, they're
tracking us."
"You mean they followed you out into this wasteland and they're
watching you, waiting to see if you'll die of thirst or something so they
can pick your bones clean."
Richard slowly shook his head. "No, I mean they're following us,
keeping track of where we are."
"I don't understand how you can possibly know--"
"We know," Cara snapped. Her shapely form was as spare, as sleek, as
aggressive-looking as the races themselves and, swathed in the black garb of
the nomadic people who sometimes traveled the outer fringes of the vast
desert, just as sinister-looking.
With the back of his hand against her shoulder, Richard gently eased
Cara back as he went on. "We were looking into it when Friedrich found us
and told us about you."
Jennsen glanced over at the two men back with the wagon. The sharp
sliver of moon floating above the black drape of distant mountains provided
just enough light for Kahlan to see that Tom was working at removing the
trace chains from his big draft horses while Friedrich unsaddled the others.
Jennsen's gaze returned to search Richard's eyes. "What have you been
able to find out, so far?"
"We never had a chance to really find out much of anything. Oba, our