"Д. Харионовский. Курс обучения английскому языку" - читать интересную книгу автора

|муж. и жен.| who | whose | whom | whom |
|ед.и множ. | that | | that | that (1) |
| сред. | that | of which | that | which |
|ед. и множ.| which | | which | that (1) |
Относительное местоимение "that" никогда не употребяется после предлога.
После предлога употребляется "whom" или "which".
Примеры :
1. The man who (that) come is here.
The boy who came are here.
2. The girl whose father came is here.
3. The women (boys) whom (that) you sane is here.
4. The man (men) of whom you spoke is here.
5. The man (men) whom (that) you spoke of here.
6. The dog (table) that (which) you saw is here.
7. The dog (table) which (that) you speak is here.
8. The dog of which you know the name is here.

Г. 1.Притяжательные 2.Притяжательные
прилагательные. местоимения.

my brother the brother is mine
my books the books are mine
your books the books are your
his books the books are his
her books the books are here
its books the books are its
our books the books are ours
your books the books are yours
their books the books are theirs
3! 4. В О П Р О С И Т Е Л Ь Н Ы Е С Л О В А

А. Местоимения
| подлежащее | определение | дополнение | с предлогом |
| | чей, чья | | кому |
| who ? кто ? | whose ? | whom ? кого ? | whom ? |
| | чье, чьи | | кем |
| | | | чему |
| what ? что ? | | what ? что ? | what ? чего |
| | | | чем |

Пример :
who is caming ? , whose is it ? , whom did you see ? ,
whom are you speaking about ? , whom did you go with ? ,