"Эбби Хоффман. Steal this book (англ.) " - читать интересную книгу автора

produces goods and services for whoever needs them, come who may. It calls
on the Robin Hoods of Santa Barbara Forest to steal from the robber barons
who own the castles of capitalism. It implies that the reader already is
"ideologically set," in that he understands corporate feudalism as the only
robbery worthy of being called "crime," for it is committed against the
people as a whole. Whether the ways it describes to rip-off shit are legal
or illegal is irrelevant. The dictionary of law is written by the bosses of
order. Our moral dictionary says no heisting from each other. To steal from
a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the
pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral.
Community within our Nation, chaos in theirs; that is the message of
We cannot survive without learning to fight and that is the lesson in
the second section. FIGHT! separates revolutionaries from outlaws. The
purpose of part two is not to fuck the system, but destroy it. The weapons
are carefully chosen. They are "home-made," in that they are designed for
use in our unique electronic jungle. Here the uptown reviewer will find
ample proof of our "violent" nature. But again, the dictionary of law fails
us. Murder in a uniform is heroic, in a costume it is a crime. False
advertisements win awards, forgers end up in jail. Inflated prices guarantee
large profits while shoplifters are punished. Politicians conspire to create
police riots and the victims are convicted in the courts. Students are
gunned down and then indicted by suburban grand juries as the
trouble-makers. A modern, highly mechanized army travels 9,000 miles to
commit genocide against a small nation of great vision and then accuses its
people of aggression. Slumlords allow rats to maim children and then
complain of violence in the streets. Everything is topsy-turvy. If we
internalize the language and imagery of the pigs, we will forever be fucked.
Let me illustrate the point. Amerika was built on the slaughter of a people.
That is its history. For years we watched movie after movie that
demonstrated the white man's benevolence. Jimmy Stewart, the epitome of
fairness, puts his arm around Cochise and tells how the Indians and the
whites can live in peace if only both sides will be reasonable, responsible
and rational (the three R's imperialists always teach the "natives"). "You
will find good grazing land on the other side of the mountain," drawls the
public relations man. "Take your people and go in peace." Cochise as well as
millions of youngsters in the balcony of learning, were being dealt off the
bottom of the deck. The Indians should have offed Jimmy Stewart in every
picture and we should have cheered ourselves hoarse. Until we understand the
nature of institutional violence and how it manipulates values and mores to
maintain the power of the few, we will forever be imprisoned in the caves of
ignorance. When we conclude that bank robbers rather than bankers should be
the trustees of the universities, then we begin to think clearly. When we
see the Army Mathematics Research and Development Center and the Bank of
Amerika as cesspools of violence, filling the minds of our young with
hatred, turning one against another, then we begin to think revolutionary.
Be clever using section two; clever as a snake. Dig the spirit of the
struggle. Don't get hung up on a sacrifice trip. Revolution is not about
suicide, it is about life. With your fingers probe the holiness of your body
and see that it was meant to live. Your body is just one in a mass of cuddly