"Vadim Kirpichev. God does not exist (Scientific Proof) " - читать интересную книгу автора

3.1. Basic Amorology.
3.2. Equation of Love.
3.3. Equation of God.
3.4. Implementing the Occams Razor.
3.5. God does not exist.
4. Job for the Creator.
5. Dostoyevskys fork. Is sincere faith possible? Godlike Humanity.
6. An Absolute Testament.
6.1. Faith in Aimer. Outline.
6.2. An Absolute Commandment.

Comparison, symbol -
Everything lasts but a minute.
Aims at Infinity
Through the attainment,
Through the atonement
In final Truth.
Eternal femininity
Attracts us to it.
I.Goethe. Faustus

1. Necessity of a proof. Doubt as a crumbling foundation of Faith.

In a globalized world a notion of God turns dangerous. World became too
crowded, and traditional religions presume that there are values higher than
human life. Are there? Earth is too small for religious fanatics.
Faith is fed by doubt. People believe things which are impossible to
check and prove conclusively.
In monotheistic tradition the existence of God never was evident. Thus
five proofs of Gods existence by Aquinas and a whole multitude of similar
attempts by other theologians and philosophers. Thomas Fidel stated that the
existence of God is not evident for the mind but can be proved. We shall try
to prove the contrary - that nonexistence of God is evident and can be

2. Scheme of the proof.

We shall build the proof by analogy to the known proof of nonexistence
of the heat-agent and ether.
A certain model of existing reality is built. An assertion is made that
such a model scientifically explains all known facts.
With the help of Occams Razor all extra entities are cut off. In this
manner the kinetic theory of heat made redundant the idea of the heat-agent,
and the theory of relativity - that of ether.

3. The proof.
3.1. Basic Amorology.