"А.В.Колобов. Римские легионы вне полей сражений (Эпоха ранней Империи) " - читать интересную книгу автора


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A. Die Religion des roemischen Heeres // Westdeutsche Zeitschrift fuer
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roemischen Religion. Leipzig; Berlin, 1909. Birley E. The Religion of the
Roman Army // Birley E. The Roman Army. Papers 1929-1986. Amsterdam, 1988.


Richmond I. Roman Legionaries at Corbridge, their Supply-base, Temples,
and Religious cults // Archaeologia Aeliana. 1943. 21. 4th series.
P.149-214; Richmond I. The Roman Army and Roman Religion // Bulletin of the
John Rylands Library. Manchester,1963. 45. P.185-197; Birley E. The Deities
of Roman Britain // ANRW II, 18; Henig M. Throne, Altar and Sword: Civilian
Religion and the Roman Army in Britain. Cultural Relationships in a Frontier
Province / Ed. T.F.C. Blagg, A.C. King // BAR British series. "136. London,
1984. P.227-248; Solway P. Roman Britain. Oxford, 1982; Frere S. Britannia.
A History of a Roman Britain. London, 1991.


Alfoeldi G. Geschichte des religiosen Lebens in Aquincum // Acta
Archaeologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae. 1961. Vol.13. S.103-124;
Savaria / Hrsg. A. Mocsy. Budapest, 1971; Fitz J. Les Syriens a Intercisa.
Bruxelles, 1972, Fitz J. Die Vereinigung der Donauprovinzen in der Mitte des
в армии 3. Jahrhundert // Studien zu den Militargrenzen Roms: Vortrage des
6. Internationalen Limeskongresses in Sueddeutsch land. Bonner Jahrbuecher.
1967. 19. S.113-121; Mocsy A. Pannonia and Upper Moesia. London; Boston,
1974; Archaeology of Pannonia / Ed. A. Lenguel. Boston; Budapest, 1980, etc.


Cumont F.Textes et Monuments figures aux mystГЁres de Mithra.
Bruxelles, 1896-1899. T.1-2; Tudor D. Corpus Equitum Donaviarum. Leiden,
1969-1976. T.1-2; Speidel M. The Religion of Juppiter Dolichenus in the
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Cumont F. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism. Chicago, 1911;
Liebeshuetz W. Continuity and Change in Roman Religion. Oxford, 1979;
MacMullen R. Paganism in the Roman Empire. New Heaven; New York, 1981;
Штаерман Е.М. Социальные основы римской религии. М., 1987; Jaczynowska M.
Religie swiata rzymskiego. Warszawa, 1990, etc.