"Владимир Коновалов. Лечение неизлечимого - новое мышление в медицине [M]" - читать интересную книгу автора

do we switch to integral medicine? It's not so easy as it seems. A mere sum
of means and methods- swallowing a pill and an herbals preparation,
followed by two or three Herbal teas and self-suggestion- is not enough for
good health. This is not what is meant by integral, or system medicine.
What is crucial is not subtraction but interaction of all sorts of
medicine. Human health depends not only on absence or presence of
diseases, but on harmony between the body, spirit and consciousness,
absence or presence of finer-than-disease disturbances- hereditary
weakness of organs, dysfunction, pre- and post- illness conditions. A
combination of fine disturbances undermines the health of man. This is why
methods of traditional medicine help to reveal and remove hidden multiple
disturbances. Modern medicine practically cannot do that, because its
diagnostic arsenal is always directed towards revealing and correcting
diseases alone.
Thus, traditional and non- traditional medicines look at human health
from contradicting each other, they organically combine and are integrated
from both a diagnostic and treatment standpoint.
Integration of traditional and non- traditional medicines is not a goal
approach of diagnostics and treatment.
Looking at man his health from different aspects and different provides a
three- dimensional picture as a complex and cognisable system. Only such a
systematic approach allows individualisation, prediction and a disease-
prevention trend in medicine, treatment of man instead of disease, of the
root cause instead of the consequences. Only such an approach makes it
possible to understand that everybody has his own cause for any disease- a
cause for allergy and psoriasis, ischemic heart disease, polyarthritis,
paradontosis, prostatite, balding, bronchial asthma.
Physicians, who have long been talking of an individual approach, will
be indignant. What is an individual approach as they understand it?
Take for comparison s sake two allergic cases. At any allergy centre a
patient will be taken through allergic tests to determine his or her own
individual set of allergens. Then an anti- allergy preparation will be
chosen which suppresses the allergy in this particular person, in a dose
which corresponds to this person s age. Then he Сll take a course of
hyposensibilisation to the discovered allergen. And then doctors will tell
the patients to avoid contact with his specific allergens- this is what is
called an individual approach.

Put yourself in the shoes of patients. All of them go on living with
their allergies, which as a rule develop into polyallergies. Allergens are
encountered at about every step and cannot be avoided. Mind you that anti-
allergic preparations are not harmless.
What is a truly individual approach and system of disease prevention?
Above all, it has to be found out why this particular patient is allergic
to what thousands of other people are not? Many will object to this and
say that that s the problem and this is just what modern medicine cannot
do. In this article I mean to say that such opportunities exist, but they
cannot be translated into reality within the old four corners of the old
way of thinking.