"Lazar Lagin. The Old Genie Hottabych (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

For three long hours Hottabych went on and on with the truly
interesting story. He finally ended it with these crafty words:
"But more marvellous still is the story of the copper camel with a
silver hump," and immediately proceeded with it. When he came to the part:
"Then the stranger took a piece of coal from the brazier and drew the
outline of a camel on the wall. The camel waved its tail, nodded its head,
walked off the wall and onto the cobblestones.. ."-he stopped to enjoy the
impression his story of a drawing coming to life had made on his young
But Hottabych was in for some disappointment, because Volka had seen
enough cartoons in his life. However, the old man's words gave him an idea.
"You know what? Let's go to the movies. You can finish the story
"Your every word is my command, 0 Volka ibn Alyosha," the old man
replied obediently. "But do me a favour and tell me what you mean by 'the
movies'? Is it a bath-house? Or, perhaps, that's what you call the
market-place, where one can stroll and chat with friends and acquaintances?"
"Well! Any child can tell you what a movie is. It's a...." At this,
Volka waved his hands around vaguely and added, "Well, anyway, you'll see
when we get there."
Over the Saturn Theatre box-office was a sign that read:

"Children under sixteen not admitted to evening performances."

"What's the matter, 0 most handsome of all handsome youths?" Hottabych
inquired anxiously, noticing that Volka had become gloomy again.
"Nothing much. It's just that we're late for the last day-time
performance! You have to be sixteen to get in now. I really don't know what
to do, 'cause I don't feel like going home."
"You won't go home!" Hottabych cried. "In a twinkling of an eye they'll
let us through, surrounded by the respect your truly endless capabilities
command! I'll just have a peek at those bits of paper everyone's handing
that stern-looking woman at the entrance."
"That old braggart!" Volka thought irritably. Suddenly, he felt two
tickets in his right fist.
"Come!" Hottabych called, beaming again. "Come, they'll let you through
"Are you sure?"
"Just as positive as that a great future awaits you!"
He nudged Volka towards a mirror hanging nearby. A boy with a bushy
blond beard on his healthy freckled face looked back from the mirror at a
shocked and gaping Volka.


A triumphant Hottabych dragged Volka up the stairs to the second-floor
foyer. At the entrance to the projection room stood Zhenya Bogorad, the envy
of every pupil of 6B. This darling of fate was the theatre manager's nephew
and therefore permitted to attend evening performances. But today, instead