"No Good Deeds" - читать интересную книгу автора (Lippman Laura)
“Tess, do you know who the Baltimore Four were?”
It took Tess Monaghan a moment to surface from her own thoughts, but she eventually came up for air, leaving behind the various newspaper articles and computer printouts strewn across her dining room table-and rug and hallway and breakfront-in seemingly random stacks that were actually quite methodical. She had tried to confine this project to her office, but with the presentation now just twenty-four hours away, such compartmentalization had to be sacrificed. The future of Keyes Investigations Inc., the lofty-sounding name that encompassed exactly one employee-three if you included the dogs, who accompanied her to the office every day-was riding on this assignment.
“I should hope so,” she told her boyfriend, Crow, who had found a corner of the dining room table large enough to hold a bowl of cereal and the New York Times acrostic, which he was working between bites with his usual infuriating nonchalance. “Any native Baltimorean who doesn’t should have his or her birth certificate revoked.”
“Well, it’s not like they were super famous, not as famous as the guys who came after. And it was before you were born.”
“My father didn’t neglect my education in key areas, I’m happy to say.”
“Your dad didn’t know either. I asked him the other day at work, and he said it sounded familiar, but it didn’t make much of an impression on him.”
“Didn’t make much of an impression?” Tess, who had been on her hands and knees, the better to crawl through her paper labyrinth, rocked back on her heels. “It was only one of the transforming events of his life.”
“Wasn’t he already married when the Vietnam draft started?”
“What are you talking about?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The Baltimore Four-Palmer, McNally, Cuellar, and Dobson, the four Oriole pitchers who had at least twenty wins in the regular season in 1971.”
Crow laughed in his easy way, a laugh that excused her ignorance-and his. “I’m talking about four antiwar activists who poured blood on records at the U.S. Customs House in 1967, sort of a runup to the Catonsville Nine. Philip Berrigan-Berrigan, Lewis, Mengel, and Eberhardt. I heard about them when I was making my rounds at the soup kitchens last week.”
Tess was staring at a photograph of a dark-eyed, dark-haired man. “You and that do-gooder crowd. Just remember, no good deed-”
“Goes unpunished. Jesus, Tess, you’d probably have mocked Gandhi if you met him.”
“Not to his face.”
“Anyway, I think they were pretty cool. Berrigan and that group. Can you imagine someone pouring blood on records today?”
“Yes. And I can imagine that person being detained at Guantánamo without legal counsel, so don’t get any ideas.”
Tess returned to sorting her papers, only to find her shoulder-length hair falling in her face. It was an impossible length-not quite long enough for the single braid she was trying to coax back into being after an untimely haircut, but too long to be allowed to swing free. She fashioned stubby pigtails on either side of her head, securing them with rubber bands, and went back to work.
“Hey, you look like Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters,” Crow said approvingly. “Circa 1999. You going to wear your hair like that tomorrow?”
“It’s a thought.” An amusing one, actually: Tess as her authentic self, in her favorite sweats, henley shirt, and ad hoc hairstyle, standing in front of the buttoned-down types that had infiltrated the local newspaper. But at the prices the Beacon-Light editors were paying, they expected and deserved the bogus Tess-hair slicked behind her ears into some semblance of order, a suit, real shoes with heels, which Tess actually liked, as they made her almost six feet tall. “I can’t believe they want a PowerPoint for this thing. I’d rather spend the afternoon at Kinko’s, photocopying twenty-five sets of every package, instead of fighting with my scanner to load all these images.”
“Why is a newspaper hiring a private detective for consulting work anyway? Shouldn’t their own reporters know how to do this stuff?”
“They’ve had an exodus of senior staff, which they’ve replaced with a lot of inexperienced kids. Feeney thought it was his lucky day when he got promoted to city editor, but herding these rookies is more likely to put him in an early grave.”
“So what are you supposed to do?”
“They’ve asked me to take three recent cases in the news and use them as sort of intellectual object lessons, walk them through all the possible scenarios in an investigation.”
“WWTMD-What Would Tess Monaghan Do?”
Tess laughed. “Sort of. Thing is, I have the leeway to work in some, uh, more legally ambiguous ways. I can lie about who I am, pay people for information. Reporters can’t. Or shouldn’t. So this is going to be mostly about public information, especially stuff that’s not online. The Internet is amazing, but you need to leave the office now and then, interact with people. A good courthouse source is better than the world’s fastest search engine.”
“It’s just so strange, you in bed with the Beacon-Light. Feeney, sure. He’s your friend. But you’ve always hated all the top editors at that paper, especially after the way they hyped your-” Crow stopped to find a precise term for the events of almost a year ago, the trauma whose aftermath had driven them apart for a time. “Encounter.”
Encounter. Tess liked that. Euphemisms had their uses. “Encounter” was so empty, so meaningless, incapable of holding the horror of the attack, the greater horror of what she had been forced to do to save her life. She reached for her knee, for the fading purplish scar that paradoxically soothed her when the most troubling memories surfaced. A souvenir of the “encounter.”
“The money is to drool for. And February was so slow this year. I have to make it up somehow, especially now that I have a car payment.”
“Things will pick up.”
“They better. I have that other gig-the investigation of that charity that you’re going to help me with-but that’s small potatoes. I need this.”
What went unsaid between them was that February was unusually slow because Tess, reunited with Crow-again-had decided she believed in love. Again. And as a reconstituted convert to love, she had declined all offers to gather evidence of cheating spouses around Valentine’s Day, which is to private investigators what April 15 is to accountants-busy, exhausting, extremely lucrative. It was a costly bit of nobility, but she had no regrets. Pangs of anxiety when she had balanced her accounts and paid her bills on February 28, but no regrets. So far.
“How can a newspaper that’s cutting staff afford to pay you so well?”
“It’s a classic example of how corporate accounting works. On the local level, there’s not enough money to hire reporters. But I’m being paid out of the national office in Dallas, and they’re awash in money. My fee might seem outrageous to us, but it pales when compared to the two million in consulting fees they bestowed on the departing CEO.”
And when Tess had taken the job, she had every intention of phoning it in, just freestyling her way through the symposium, and who cared if it was all bullshit and blather? As it turned out, Tess cared. The work ethic passed down by both parents kicked in as surely as the recessive gene that had made her eyes hazel. In the end she would rather grumble about being underpaid than endure the shame of underperforming. Besides, Feeney had gone to bat for her. She wouldn’t want a lackluster presentation to taint her old friend.
Crow, still in pajama bottoms and a T-shirt as Sunday crested noon, pointed a bare toe at the stack nearest him, topped by the photograph of the handsome dark-eyed man that Tess’s eyes kept returning to, almost in spite of herself.
“What are you going to tell them about the Youssef case? It’s hard to see how you can think of an angle that hasn’t already occurred to the newspaper. Much less the Justice Department, the FBI, the Howard County police…”
“Oh, that one’s about reading between the lines. The investigation-and the story-has stalled for reasons that no one wants to discuss in public. I’m going to connect the dots.”
“Can you prove your theory?”
“No, but that’s the beauty of the project. I don’t have to prove anything. I just have to have plausible explanations.”
“Homicide as intellectual exercise. Seems like…” Crow bent over his puzzle, filled in a line. “Bad karma. Eight letters. Yes, exactly. It fits. Done.”
“It fits your puzzle. Gregory Youssef created his own karma.”
Assistant U.S. Attorney Gregory Youssef had disappeared on the eve of Thanksgiving and was found dead late on the day the media insisted on calling Black Friday. The first twenty-four hours had promised a sensational story with national implications-a federal prosecutor, one assigned to antiterrorist cases, kidnapped and killed. Youssef had been sitting down to dinner when he was paged to the office-or so he told his wife. No record of that page was ever found. He returned downtown. Sixteen hours later his body was discovered on the Howard County side of the Patapsco River, not far from I-95. Early speculation centered on the terrorism cases he had just started working and the tough sentences he had won on a handful of drug cases. The U.S. attorney vowed that such a crime against a federal officer of the court would not go unpunished. For the entirety of Thanksgiving, it had seemed there were only two stories in the world, as reporters alternated their live feed from the yellow police lines at the murder site to the lines of the hungry at area soup kitchens. Death and hunger, hunger and death.
But the Youssef story receded from the headlines before most Maryland families had finished their turkey leftovers. The feds, who usually bigfooted such cases, pulled back with amazing and uncharacteristic grace, all but insisting that Howard County detectives take the primary role. The U.S. attorney stopped appearing hourly in front of local television cameras and, coincidentally or no, resigned at the end of the year. Suddenly everyone seemed content to shrug and deem it a genuine mystery, despite some precise evidence about Youssef’s final hours-an ATM withdrawal in East Baltimore, the discovery of Youssef’s car just off one of the lower exits on the New Jersey Turnpike.
Then there was the very nature of Youssef’s death-dozens and dozens of stab wounds, made with a small knife that was never found. It was when Tess learned of this detail that she decided that Youssef’s murder had been intensely personal. Possibly a crime of revenge, definitely one of rage. The ATM withdrawal? That was in an area known for prostitution, including male prostitution as practiced by out-of-town boys who considered themselves straight even as they took other men’s money for sex. The information that Youssef was a devout Christian with a pregnant wife had only confirmed Tess’s suspicion that this was a man with a secret life, one that his former colleagues were intent on masking.
But no one wanted to dwell on such details when the victim was such a well-intentioned striver, the son of Egyptian immigrants, a man who had dedicated his professional life to the justice system because he was horrified to share a surname with the first man who attacked the World Trade Center. What heartless soul would make his widow confront her husband’s conflicted nature in the daily newspaper? Gregory Youssef was like a bad smell in a small room: People stared at the ceiling, waiting for the rude fact of his death to dissipate.
Yet the longer it lingered, the worse it looked for law-enforcement officials, who were supposed to be able to solve the homicide of one of their own. Even if the newspaper hadn’t told her to prepare a dossier on this case, Tess would have been drawn to it. The Youssef murder was juicy, irresistible.
“Thing is, the newspaper has nothing to gain by pursuing the story,” Tess told Crow now. “If my theory is right, it will just piss everyone off. But until an arrest is made, there will be rumors and conspiracy theories that are even worse. The U.S. attorney set the tone for the coverage. The moment the body was discovered, he should have been using codes to slow the reporters down. Instead he revved them up, let the story run wild over the weekend, then tried to back away from it.”
“If he had considered how…well, personal the murder looked, he might have managed to indicate that to reporters, off the record. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. It’s done all the time. Or was, back in my day.” Tess had worked as a reporter for only a few years and accepted long ago that she was more temperamentally suited to life as a private investigator. But she still had some nostalgia for her newshound phase.
“So why isn’t the prosecutor doing that now?”
“You can’t put the news genie back in the bottle. Now everyone is left hanging-the poor saps who got stuck with the case, the widow. It was kind of unconscionable, if you ask me. But if an arrest is made, this stuff is going to come out, and the reporters need to anticipate it. Bet you anything it will be some young country guy, one of those ‘straight’ teenagers who comes down here and turns tricks but doesn’t like it much. Or someone like that weirdo from Anne Arundel County, who drove to Baltimore just to pick up gay men and try to kill them.”
Crow made a face.
“Yeah, I know. It’s a distasteful topic, even in the abstract. That’s why this gig pays well.”
“Are your other scenarios unsolved homicides as well?”
“Nope. I’ve taken on that perennial favorite: Can it be proven that State Senator Wiley Staunton doesn’t actually live in the district he claims as his home? Hard to prove a negative, but it turns out the Beacon-Light reporters neglected to pull a pretty basic record-the guy’s voting registration. He may represent the Forty-seventh, but he’s been voting in the Forty-first for the last sixteen years. That’s a story in itself. You’ll probably see that on page one of the paper by week’s end. I’ve also got a nice tidbit on the governor-”
“The extramarital affair?” That particular rumor about Maryland ’s governor had hung in the air for months, like a shiny helium balloon bobbing over the heads of children, tantalizingly out of reach, suspiciously unchanging in its proportions and altitude.
Tess snorted. “He wishes. An extramarital affair is positively benign when compared to what I found in the governor’s garbage. Two words: ‘adult diapers.’”
“Is it legal to search the governor’s garbage?”
“Better question-should the state’s chief executive violate federally mandated privacy laws by not shredding confidential documents about his employees? That’s the real find. The diapers were just a bonus. If anyone wants to threaten me with charges for Dumpster diving on private property, I’ll just wave those. Not literally, of course.”
“But as you said, the reporters can’t break the law.”
“True.” Tess allowed herself another pause-and-stretch on her crawling path among the documents. “But they can use information of dubious provenance if they don’t probe too closely the whys and wherefores of how it was obtained. My hunch is that this whole enterprise is sort of…an overture on the newspaper’s part. I think Feeney’s bosses would like to figure out a way to put me on retainer.”
“To what purpose?”
“You know how banks and businesses can launder dirty money? A private investigator could launder dirty information for a media outlet. Take credit reports, for example. I can get those in a heartbeat. Fact is, so could the Blight, using its own business offices, but that would be unethical-and illegal.”
“Then wouldn’t it be equally wrong to get the same information from a third-party source?”
“Probably. But newspapers are so besieged right now. On the one hand, they’re all playing Caesar’s wife, suspending and even firing reporters for the tiniest slip-ups. But they’re also trying to compete with the weekly tabloids on the gossip front.”
“Would you be interested?”
“I’d like to avoid it. It’s one thing to run a daylong seminar on how PI techniques can be applied to investigative reporting. If they like me, I could parlay that into a national gig. But actually working on stories? I’ll probably say no.”
“If money continues tight…” She tried for a lighthearted shrug.
“I could kick in more. There’s no reason you have to carry the mortgage alone. I’m not asking for equity, just saying I could pay rent.”
“I don’t see how you could contribute more than you do. I know what you make, and my dad’s much too cheap to give you a raise.”
“I’ll give up my MBA classes, get a part-time gig, find some money…somewhere.”
“No, no. Don’t sweat it. We just need to implement some belt-tightening measures-fewer steaks from Victor’s, more wine from the marked-down barrel at Trinacria. And maybe-” Tess turned her gaze on the two dogs that had been keeping mute sentry at Crow’s elbow, in hopes that a bite of cereal might fall. Esskay, the greyhound, was the unlikely alpha dog of the pair, while Miata was the world’s most docile Doberman. “And maybe stop feeding those two parasites altogether.”
Esskay’s ears actually seemed to twitch in alarm, while Miata’s sorrowful eyes held, as always, untold worlds of misery. Tess and Crow laughed, snug and warm on a rainy Sunday, delighted with the mundaneness of their problems. So money was tight. So Tess had a job she didn’t particularly relish. Things would work out. They always did. Until they didn’t.
Gregory Youssef’s face stared up at her from the floor in mute reproach. He had almost movie-star good looks, but his image had grown meaningless from repetition, another face in the news. They all ran together after a while. The guy who killed his wife, the guy who got killed, the guy who raped and pillaged his company. Four months after his murder, all Youssef’s face evoked was a vague sense that one had seen him somewhere before. Oh, yeah, that guy. Everyone knew of him, yet no one really knew him. As Tess studied the photo, it seemed to dissolve into a series of dots until his face disappeared completely, became an abstraction. Yet he would never become abstract or obscure to his widow. Tess hoped Mrs. Youssef had found a version of the truth that allowed her peace, no matter how wrong it might be. Who could be mean enough to begrudge her the myths that would pull her through, the story she was even now preparing to tell a child who had never known his father? Besides, Youssef’s secret life, whatever it was, didn’t void his love for his wife. People were more complicated than that.
The problems of three people didn’t amount to a hill of beans, Bogart tells Bergman. But a hill of beans can seem mountainous when it’s your hill of beans. Tess actually felt a tear welling up in her eye, and she swabbed it with a corner of her T-shirt. What was wrong with her? She had started crying over The Longest Yard last night, too, although she had told Crow it was because she was imagining what a desecration the remake would be. Truth was, she had been blubbering for Caretaker, the sly fixer who could anticipate everything but his own death.
She must be premenstrual. Or more anxious about her financial status than she was willing to admit. She shouldn’t, in hindsight, have turned down all that work around Valentine’s Day. A fussy private detective was a paradox, like a gardener who refused to touch soil or mulch or fertilizer. Tess had come to embrace Dumpster diving, because a hot shower banished the experience so readily. Entering a man’s secret life, even in theory, made her feel far dirtier.
Now Youssef’s staring face seemed castigating, accusing. Tess placed a stack of papers over it and returned to the confidential documents she had found in the governor’s trash, including copies of several e-mails that would seem to indicate that the governor’s wife had been directly involved in a smear campaign against the Senate president. Really, couldn’t the state of Maryland afford to requisition a shredder for the governor’s mansion?