"Эрленд Лу. Тихие дни в Перемешках" - читать интересную книгу автора

Эрленд Лу

Тихие дни в Перемешках

(пер. Ольга Дробот)

Давайте притворимся, что мой ум - такси, и вдруг... в нем едете вы.
Ричард Бротиган
(Перевод Максима Немцова)
(Увы - по ходу написания этой книги пострадала маленькая собачка; но ей
быстро оказали ветеринарную помощь, и сейчас, с учетом всех обстоятельств,
она чувствует себя вполне неплохо.)

Dear Angela & Helmut Bader.
We are a family with three kids (5, 8 and 14 years) who are planning a
holiday in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and we saw your holiday house on the
internet. We plan to arrive on the 30th of June and would like to stay until
the First of August. Is the house available in this period (or close to it)
and what is the price? We are looking forward to your answer.
Yours sincerely
Nina Telemann, with family[1]
Hello Telemann available yes the price 65 Euro pro night, the children
for free I know your Imail unfortu nately do not read backwards to write it
me please on English Yours sincerely Fam. Bader[2]
Hello Fam. Bader. We did not totally understand your last e-mail, but
we are interested in renting the house. How should we pay you?
Nina Telemann[3]
Hello Fam. Thank you for your Imail It makes us happy you by 1. july to
remain wants. Our address reads Hel mut and Angela Bader Ludwigstrasse 5,
Mixing Part. Our bank account: District savings bank mixing part churches
Big Byladem 1 gap iban/de xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. We are pleased also you and
wish you up to then a beautiful time. Fam. Bader[4]
Hello again. We have now paid the deposit. The pay ment was made from
my husbands account. His name is Telemann. We and our children are looking
forward to staying in your house. Do we go straight to the house or should
we contact you somewhere else? We are not sure yet about what time we will
arrive on first of july, but if you need to know you could perhaps give us a
phone number so that we can send you an SMS or call you.
Nina Telemann[5]
Hello Fam. Telemann Thank you for your Imail They come on Wednesday to
us to mixing part. They can drive directly to the holiday house, we live
directly beside it. Here they get then the keys. Can they say to us when you
approx. in mix will arrive? None should be at home, call the Handynr.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx. we look forward to you. Large Fam. Bader[6]
Тебе обязательно надо курить в доме?
Но на улице хорошая погода.
Дорогая моя, ты, видимо, как-то упустила из виду, что мы опять проводим