"JAMES LUCENO. SABOTEUR" - читать интересную книгу автора

than we could possibly earn back. You wouldn't be wearing those expensive robes,
Monchar took a moment to reply. "We would much prefer that our partnership
begins on solid footing. We would hate to see Lommite Limited become ensnared in
a situation that allows it no recourse but to join us."
Arrant bristled and shot to his feet. "Is that a threat, Monchar? What do you
intend to do, send your droids down here to invade us?"
Monchar made a motion of dismissal. "We are merchants, not conquerors."
"Then stop talking like a conqueror, or I'll report this to the Trade Commission
on Coruscant."
"You're upset," Monchar said, nervously stroking his prominent muzzle. "Perhaps
we should speak at some later date."
"Don't contact me, Monchar. I'll contact you."
Arrant deactivated the holoprojector and dropped back into his chair, forcing a
long exhalation through pursed lips. "Scavengers," he said after a moment. "I'd
sooner see LL go under than sell out to the Trade Federation."
Into a brief succeeding silence came a persistent plopping sound from outside
the office's floor-to-ceiling viewpanes. "What now?" Arrant asked, swiveling his
chair toward the sound.
"Rain," Bruit muttered.

Despite its rich deposits of lommite, or the recurrent attention it received
from the Trade Federation, Dorvalla was to most observers an inconsequential
speck in the sweep of star systems that made up the Galactic Republic. But among
the few who had been monitoring the events on Dorvalla, none had followed them
as keenly as Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith.
"This rivalry between Lommite Limited and InterGalactic Ore intrigues me,"
Sidious was saying as he moved about the cavernous den that was both his
sanctuary and repository. The hood of his cowl was raised over his lined face,
and the hem of his robe trailed on the gleaming floor. His voice was a rasp,
absent emotion but not without instances of intentional inflection.
"I see a way that we might exploit this entanglement to our own gain," he
continued. "A push here, a shove there, and both mining companies will collapse.
Thus, we will be able to deliver Dorvalla to the Trade Federation-the ore, the
trade routes, Dorvalla's vote in the senate-and, in so doing, gain the further
allegiance of Viceroy Gunray and his lackeys."
Sidious removed his hands from the ample sleeves of his robe. "Viceroy Gunray
claims to be persuaded of the worth of serving us, but I want him fully in our
grasp, so that there can be no doubt of his heeding my commands. With Dorvalla
secured, he will likely be promoted to a permanent position on the Trade
Federation Directorate. We can then further our larger plan."
Sidious cast his hooded gaze across the room to a deeply shadowed area in which
Darth Maul sat silent as a statue, his tattooed face lowered, so that all
Sidious could see was the crown of vestigial horns that sprouted from his
hairless skull.
"Your thoughts betray you, my young apprentice," he remarked. "You are puzzled
by my steadfast interest in the Neimoidians."
Darth Maul lifted his face, and what scant light there was seemed to recoil.
Where his Master represented all that was concealed and mysterious in the Sith,
Maul was the personification of all that was to be feared.