"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

flickering, doing his best Robert De Niro, "I just want to tell you that you
have the most beautiful eyes."
It was the most ridiulous chat-up line I'd ever heard.
Half an hour later he was escorting her into a cab.
Colin had been in charge of the troop when I went to Malaya.
Getting words out of him was still like drawing teeth; it would just be
a sniff and "That was good," or a sniff and "That was shit."
Eno had been on my first Selection and passed, getting in six months
before me. He was from the Queen's Regiment, a rarity in the Regiment.
Predictably, everybody spoke to him in a camp voice but for some
inexplicable reason also shouted, "Three queens, three queens," whenever
they saw him. A thin little midget, Eno was a tremendous racing snake,
heavily into triathlons. He smoked twenty a day but was so fit that at one
championship he stood at the start line with a fag in his mouth.
"Got to spark myself up, ain't I?" he said. Eno was very much like
Colin, never flapped, never got excited, and you had to beat him up to have
a conversation.
Jock was there, too, whom I'd met on Selection. There seemed to be no
compromise with him. He had a policy of working really hard, being
incredibly serious at work; then when it was fun time, it was outrageous fun
We were at a squadron party once; he went up to the colonel's wife, and
he said, "Do you fancy a dance?"
She said, "Yes, that would be lovely," so Jock walked her onto the
middle of the dance floor, pulled out a Michael Jackson mask, and taught her
to moon-walk.
Frank Collins was still Mr. Calm and Casual. He never shouted, never
got annoyed. Steve told me he had been one of the youngest soldiers in the
Regiment when he did the embassy in 1980. From the first night of the siege
he and the rest of the assault team were ready on the roof, dressed in full
black kit and expecting the order to go in at any moment. It must have been
tense stuffbut not for Frank.
Apparently he was so relaxed he took a pillow with him to snooze away
an hour or two. I knew he was into climbing, canoeing, free fall, and
religion, and I found out he was being called Joseph at this stage because
he was into carpentry as well.
"You'll never see Frank when there's nothing going on," Nosh said.
"He'll be doing the family business."
He was going down to one of the local timber yards and making tables
and cupboards and things that he was going to be taking back to the UK for
his house. In fact they were quite good-big kitchen tables and things.
I was lying on my bed one day, scratching my arse and drinking tea,
when Frank came in said, "You bored, or what?"
"Yeah, I'm doing nothing, just hanging around."
I "Do you want something to read?"
"Yeah, what you got?"
"I've got something with sex, violence, intrigue, you name it, it's got
"Okay, yeah, I'll have a read of it."
So Frank went to his room, fetched the book, and tossed it onto my bed.