"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

"Bravo, roger that."
The Lancia, call sign Bravo, was cruising around but didn't see
anything. The plan was that Ken was going to be in front, clearing the area
as we moved; Al was going to be in the center, and we'd be backing him from
the rear.
"That's me moving out of the house now," Al said.
"Bravo, roger that. India and Delta, acknowledge."
I switched the engine on. Everybody picked up his weapon and held it
between his legs, ready to go. All the banter stopped now; this was serious
"That's me now at the door."
"Bravo, roger that. Call signs acknowledge."
"Walking towards the car."
"That's garage doors open."
"He's checking the car."
"That's me now in the car."
"Engine on."
"Stand by, stand by. That's me now mobile., "Bravo, roger that."
We came up: "That's India mobile."
"Bravo, roger that."
Al drove past us in the car, a top-of-the-range Saab. I fell in behind
him, covering his moves from positions where we knew we would be able to get
to him as soon as the shoot took place.
Al was giving a running commentary as he was moving along: what cars
were coming up, their registrations, how many people were inside, what he
could see ahead, what he could see behind him, what speed he was traveling
at, whereabouts he was on the road. I had a mental picture of exactly where
he was and what was going on around him.
Ken came on the net from his vehicle: "That's a yellow van moving
around in the area. It just doesn't look right; it's hanging around the
junction for too long. It's a.
yellow Enterprise Ulster van. It's gone towards the old Dungannon road
and I can't see it now. It's out of sight.
Call signs acknowledge."
Everybody acknowledged. We were all sparked up; it looked as if it
might be on.
Ken drove up toward the roundabout and parked up.
He was going to let the Saab and us go past. All of us were looking for
this yellow van. It sounded right.
Al, still very calm, was talking into his covert comms.
There's quite a skill in talking while people are looking at you,
without their realizing what you're doing.
Even if this van came up in front of him, he would still have to drive
up naturally to it, for a number of reasons.