"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

We could hear on the net that the other two cars were now in the area
of the hotel and starting to search. One of the suspicious vehicles in that
area that we knew to look out for was a blue van, possibly of foreign make.
Eno said, "I bet it's a fucking come-on." Maybe the boys wanted us in
the area because they had planned a party.
The Boss was map-reading with a small Maglite torch: "Down here, turn
The car slithered around the bend. Frank said, "No point rushing.
Let's just trogon; we'll get there eventually."
Then we heard: "Stand by, we have a possible here, wait out."
Everybody shut up now, 'waiting to hear what happened next.
Al, Eddie, and Clive were in one of the cars and drove past a blue
Toyota van parked up on another road just off the Drumrush Lodge.
Everyone apart from the driver was keeping right down; they didn't want
to put anyone off their work. They came ' back on the net: "It's parked up,
no lights, no movement, but the door is slightly open. It looks like
something's going down."
Ken was on the net: "Block the road. We'll stake it out and see what
turns up."
His team was now at the other end of the road. The van wasn't going to
go anywhere; with luck the area was contained. However, we still didn't know
what was going on.
Clive's team were out of their car and Al put out the caltrops, spiked
chains that would stop a vehicle by blowing the tires out.
Ken was on the net to Fraser: "Is there any area that I've left?"
He obviously wanted to know if there was any road or track between the
two cars that they hadn't seen.
"No, that's okay, everything's covered."
They stopped and listened. Sound travels much more at night and even
further on cold ones.
As we slithered along as fast as we could on the ice, I pictured Eddie
listening in the fog as he tried to learn what was happening around the car.
He'd be opening his jaw to take out any noises of swallowing that he made
with his mouth and leaning his ear to the area.
Eddie could hear something, but he needed it confirmed: "Clive, listen
to this." He came to Eddie and turned his radio off so that there was no
interference from his earpiece.
Someone was walking down the road. In the freezing fog this was wrong.
"Stand still, and put up your hands where I can see them!" Eddie
shouted. "This is the security forces!"
The walker was about ten meters away and Eddie had decided that that
was close enough. He called out just loud enough for this walker to hear,
not loud enough, he hoped, to alert anyone else further afield.
"It's okay, it's only me!" The boy sounded as if he was flapping good
style; he was hoping no doubt that his challengers were just a local army
patrol so he'd have time to think of something or get some backup.
"Shut up, stand still or I will fire-do you understand?"
By now Clive had his HKS3 in his shoulder and was starting to move
The boy ran.