"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Every few steps I was slipping on the ice.
Fraser said, "The QRF have reported movement in some hedgerows by the
river. Are there any of our call signs down by the river, over?"
Frank said: "Me and Andy will take that."
"Roger that. Frank's going down to the river. Ken, acknowledge."
"Ken, roger that."
Frank said, "Andy, what I want you to do is just keep
I moving forward and scanning the hedgerow with your night sight.
I'll be behind you with mine, and we'll get these boys out."
I switched my sight back on, took a deep breath, and started moving.
It was eerily quiet. I could hear the ice cracking on the grass.
I was in a semicrouched position, safety catch off, butt in the
shoulder, picking my feet up really high, trying not to breathe too hard,
trying to keep the noise down, trying to keep as small as possible. Frank
was about five to seven meters behind, aiming just to my right so he could
take anybody on. Because he was detached, it would be easier for him to
I was listening in on the radio, making sure I knew where everybody
By now an ambulance had turned up, and it had its blue light flashing.
It was a fair way away from us, but as the light spun around, it was
catching us like dancers in a disco strobe. I thought, Fucking hell, this is
a good day out this is.
I took two or three steps, stopped, ran my night sight up and down. We
moved on, stopped, moved on. At any moment I was expecting to hear a burst
of gunfire and to feel the rounds thud into my body.
It wasn't a nice feeling at all.
Big drainage ditches ran alongside the hedgerows. It was pitch-black;
visibility was shit; there was lots of commotion, lots of noise in the
distance. Running around in there somewhere were terrorists who'd just had a
contact. They would be flapping, they would want to get out of it, and they
would be armed.
It was only after about twenty minutes that I thought: Shit, I've drawn
the short straw here, haven't I? I'll take all the rounds and Frank lands up
shooting them.
We found nothing.
After a few days pieces of the puzzle started to come.
Antoin Mac Giolla Bride was an ex-Southern Irish soldier and a
well-known terrorist since he was first arrested with a rifle in 1979.
His A.S.U (active service unit) had planned to lay a land mine,
consisting of beer kegs crammed with low explosive, in a culvert at the
entrance to the hotel. By the time we got the call the bomb was in place.
As Al's car drove past, they must have heard it and hidden.
Unfortunately the car stopped just feet from two of the boys. As he
sent the Schermuly up, they must have seen his silhouette and opened up.
Al took rounds but managed to turn and fire back.
Then he fell.
They moved off and got to the banks of the Bannagh River. One of them