"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

He then got a BG (bodyguard) job in Athens and worked for Burton chief
Sir Ralph Halpern and Harrods boss Mohammed Al-Fayed. finally, when he'd
saved up enough, he did the church's version of Selection and passed. After
two years of studying he was badged as a fully-fledged vicar, and an
excellent one he was, too.
Debbie had a job, and I assumed she was enjoying it. I didn't know for
sure because I was never there.
I phoned her whenever I could, but every time I'd tell her how I was
and never really listened when she told me how she was. I still wasn't
getting my priorities right.
Everything was the Regiment; I loved what I was doing.
But I was being selfish; I was sacrificing the marriage, and it was my
fault. If I came back for R&R, all I wanted to do was go downtown an see all
my mates again. Everything I did revolved around them; she was secondary. It
must have been outrageous for her.
I was even stupid enough to start talking about kids when I wasn't even
responsible enough to look after my wife.
But I didn't realize, because I was a dickhead. I didn't know that the
marriage was going down; I was too busy wanting to get the skills in, and
the big one I wanted was demolitions.
One of the aims of this twelve-week course is to teach industrial
sabotage, strategic tasks, and strikes on defined targets," the instructor
said to us. "A typical Regiment task might be to render useless the
industrial base of a nation we're fighting against. Their army might be at
the front line, but at the end of the day an army's no good if it can't get
Attacks on the industrial base also lower the population's morale,
which is all good for the general war effort."
It was gripping stuff, and I couldn't wait to get stuck in. Even as a
kid I'd been fascinated by television pictures of steeplejacks dropping
power station chimneys I and tower blocks collapsing within their own
I had a little basic knowledge from Selection, and I wanted more.
Training wing, as well as take Selection, was also responsible for
teaching demolitions and all the patrol skills. Joe, the dems instructor,
was coming up to the end of his two years in the job, and he really knew his
stuff. Demolitions would also be used within other jobs, he said, as a
surgical strike: We might want to drop a bridge, railway line, hydroelectric
power station or crude oil refinery; or render docks useless, open
floodgates, destroy military or civilian aircraft.
We learned how to disrupt microwave and landline communications within
military and civilian environments. "So much damage can be done with just
two pounds of P.E," Joe said. "Why send in an air force to destroy a big
industrial complex when the same result could be achieved by taking out its
power source?"
If we were going in covertly, we had to know and practice our trade
craft-including surveillance and antisurveillance.
For the first couple of weeks we learned parrot-fashion all the rules,
the dos and don'ts, and all the formulas. We weren't going to have our
little reference books with us when we were on ops. Joe banged the rules