"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

taken up purely on his own body MOT. He'd be using all the machines that
went ping, having his heart looked at, convinced that there had to be
something wrong.
Charlie was another hypochondriac. He'd left the Regiment in his
thirties, gone to work overseas, and then come back and done Selection
again. He passed and was the world's oldest corporal. We were doing some
troop training and were on the ranges one day, sharing mugs.
Charlie hated us doing that.
"You don't know what you could pick up," he said.
"Too true," somebody said. "I was in the Far East and contracted
leptospirosis. I lost about two stone."
"That was bad luck," Charlie said. "When did it happen?"
"Last month."
"you dirty fucking thing!" Charlie screamed. We all started to laugh,
because we knew how much it pissed him off. He honked for days about
drinking out of the same mug as someone who'd had leptospirosis. He made his
own tea after that.
At the -end of the week's training we said, "You ain't caught
leptospirosis yet then, Charlie?"
"No," he said, "but I'm not too sure what all you people are going to
"Why's that then?"
"Because I've been pissing in the tea urn every day."
The placement system worked really well, both for the Regiment and for
the hospitals. The blokes gained experience, and the casualty ward got
another pair of willing hands.
A fellow called Pat had been on hospital attachment at Birmingham
General. All the drunks were coming in with bottles sticking out of their
foreheads, and gangs of young lads who had been fighting and thought they
were as hard as nails because they had cuts on their faces. The staff did
their best to help them out, but the lads were drunk and full of bravado,
getting aggressive with the nurses, pushing them away. Nurses got attacked
by these sorts of people all the time.
They're trying to do their job and look after them, and the boys are
getting gabby and trying to fill them in.
Pat was on a refresher course after spending a couple of years away. It
used to piss him off severely to see the abuse these girls had to take. The
trouble was, there was seldom much that the blokes could do because they
were supposed to be keeping a low profile.
One night, however, one of the nurses came screaming out of a cubicle.
Pat walked in to see what was happening.
A character came up straightaway and started fingerpoking him.
"Yeah, that's right," he gabbed, "fucking sort me out now!"
Pat looked at him for a second and said, "Yes, okay, if that's what you
And he head-butted him and dropped him.
The lad burst into tears and said, "What's going on?"
if it was all Pat's fault. He then started shouting for as the police.
Two officers happened to be on the ward after bringing in a drunk; they
stuck their heads around the curtain, sussed out immediately what had