"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

I told them and gave my date of birth for gooa measure.
They dragged me away to their helicopter.
"Fucking good news!" one of them shouted. "We've got one of the
fuckers. We've got our leave!"
No sooner had the Puma taken off than it seemed to be landing again, in
what I took to be their holding area.
They stripped me of my clothing, so I was there in just my skiddies,
and put on blindfolds. I was made to stand a pace or two from a wall, then
lean forward so my hands touched the bricks and I was standing at forty-five
degrees. It wasn't too difficult, but my shoulders ached badly.
Then I had to kneel down on the ground, keeping my back straight and my
hands on my head. That was a bit worse. The one I liked least was sitting on
my arse, cross-legged, with my back straight and my hands behind my neck.
At some stage, when I was back on my knees, my blindfold was removed,
and I found myself looking up at the training sergeant major.
"Am I binned?" I said pitifully, remembering how I'd cocked up in the
jungle with him.
"No, you nugget. Get back on the helicopter and don't fuck up."
I'd caught him in a good mood. An ex-Household Division man himself, he
was delighted to see the Guards doing so well.
I was put back out in another group, consisting of three navy aircrew.
Again, not one iota of tactical awareness. I was desperate.
I couldn't afford to get caught again.
We were going along the side of a forestry block one night when we
heard shouting just forward and left of us. We bomb-burst away from the
area; in theory we should have made our separate ways back to an E.R.V
(emergency rendezvous) but I thought, Sod that, and cracked on alone.
During the daytime it was quite good. I was hiding up, and sometimes I
could hear the A.R.F . in their helicopters. Sometimes I'd hear dogs; it was
quite exciting stuff.
These boys were really close, but I was getting away with it. I now
knew that if they caught me, they weren't going to muck about because they
didn't know my reactions. They would hit me hard, tie me up, and take me in.
I saw the sun occasionally, but most of the time I was freezing.
No matter how well insulated I was, after days and days in the field my
body was cold and damp.
I tried to sleep, but it was scattered sleep. I might doze for twenty
minutes, wake up, nod off for another ten minutes, acutely aware of any
It came to the last scheduled night of the exercise, and I knew that at
some point very soon one of the DS would compromise me so that I was
captured and put through the interrogation phase. I knew it would be quite a
lengthy time, no scoff, and it would be a pain in the arse specially if I
was going in hungry. I decided to do something about that.
I did a recce on a farmhouse, which seemed to be occupied by an old
couple and a daughter in her early twenties. Seemed all right. I banged on
the door.
"Hello, you haven't got any bread, have you?"
They knew at once who I was.
"You want something to eat? Come in."