"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

possibility. They couldn't go around beating us up, of course, or breaking
our arms and giving us electric shocks, but they could take us to such a
point that we didn't know whether we were going to be able to survive or
I was placed back in the stress position against the wall, and this
time not even the first half hour was bearable. I had to keep the position;
as soon as I went down, they came in and forced me up. I tried to grin and
bear it.
I heard some footsteps go past me to move some other people around.
Then the footsteps came back, and this time the men stopped, grabbed hold of
me, and I could smell the coffee on their breath. I thought I was going to
be moved to another stress area, but I was off, walking carefully in my bare
feet, mincing around when we hit shingle.
We went into a building and along corridors.
We went into a room, I was put down on a chair, and I heard a voice
saying, "Close your eyes."
The blindfold came off, and I looked down at the ground. The people
walked out, and the door was closed.
"Open your eyes."
I looked up, opened my eyes, and there were two boys sitting there at a
desk. It was a small room, white walls, an empty desk, them and me.
Both men were in their mid-forties. One of them was wearing a black
polo-neck jumper. He had gray hair and was very stern-looking.
They both just looked at me, with obvious disdain.
"What's your name?"
"What's your full name?"
"Andrew McNab."
"What's your number?"
"What's your regiment?"
"I can't answer that question."
"What's your regiment?"
"I can't answer that question."
"What do you fucking mean, you can't answer that question?" he
exploded. "We just caught you. We know what your fucking regiment is.
But we want you to tell us. You're not helping us at all, are you?
What's your number?"
I went through it again.
"What's your rank?"
"What were you doing when you were captured?"
"I can't answer that question."
"Well, if you don't fucking answer that question, you'll be in the
shit. Do you understand me?"
"I can't answer that question."
"What..... were..... you . . . doing . . . down . . . in.....
that..... area?"