"Энди Макнаб. Удаленный контроль (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

that would have been one thing. If the killers had come in and maybe shot
them, I'd be upset, but, at the end of the day, if you live by the sword,
you must be prepared to die by the sword. But not like this. They'd been
hacked up for no reason that I could see.
I forced myself to think rationally. There was no way I could phone the
police and explain my version. Although I'd been lifted off, I was still
operating in another country without its consent. Getting caught would be a
big no-no. The operation here would be seen as a sign of betrayal and would
create distrust between the two security communities. There was no way the
Firm would back me up; that would defeat the whole purpose of deniable ops.
I was on my own.
Looking at my passenger, I knew I had a problem. As we drove toward
Tyson's Corner I realized what I had to do. I saw a Best Western hotel on
the left and an open-plan mall on the right. I had to dump the car, because
that was one of the connections between me and the house. I needed somewhere
to leave it that wasn't isolated, somewhere without video cameras.
As well as the shopping mall and its massive parking lots, on the
outskirts was a drive-thru Burger King with its own parking.
It was all very well abandoning a vehicle in the middle of hundreds of
others in a parking lot during shopping hours.
But at night, it might be the only car left there and was going to
stick out, and it would be checked out by police patrols.
What I was after was an area that was really busy, day and night.
Streets or multilevel parking garages were out, because nine times out of
ten they have video cameras to stop muggings and car theft. Many multi story
parking lots have a camera that takes a picture of the license plate and
driver as you enter. At any major junction and along most major
thoroughfares, there are traffic video cameras. If my car had been found
outside Kev's house, the first thing they'd do was study the traffic videos
and parking lot photography.
"Shall we get a burger and some shakes?" I suggested.
"Do you like milk shakes? I tell you what, I'll park and maybe we'll
even go shopping."
Again it would be no good driving into the Burger King parking lot,
stepping out, and then walking a few hundred yards to the shopping mall that
isn't normal behavior. It might stick in people's minds and be recalled at a
later date, so I wanted to make the two of us look as natural as possible.
"Strawberry, chocolate, or vanilla which one do you want?"
No reply.
"Strawberry? Go on, I'm going to have a strawberry."
I parked. The place was pretty full. I cupped my hand under her chin
and gently turned her face so that she was looking at my big smile.
"Milk shake?"
There was a faint movement of her head, or maybe it was a nod of
appreciation. Not much, but at least it was a reaction.
I carried on with the bullshit.
"You just sit here then; I'll get out, I'll lock the car, go and get
the milk shakes. And then I tell you what, we'll go into the shopping mall.
How about that?"