"Сергей Минаев. Повесть о ненастоящем человеке " - читать интересную книгу автора


Все совпадения с реально живущими персонажами, фактами и явлениями
случайны. Все события и герои, вся мерзость и ужасы описанного общества
выдуманы автором. Ибо реальность еще более омерзительна и ужасна...


Look at all that shines
Baby's down on the world and she knows it
If your spirit's running
Why don't me make it rain like we used to
We run
We hide
We wait and we want
The good life
Aw sure
You're right
This ain't, the good life
Ah, Elegantly wasted Ah, Elegantly wasted
Look at all the crimes
Baby's down on the world cause she owns it
Making up her life
Nothing more, nothing less makes it Voodoo
We run
We hide
We wait and we want
The good life
Aw sure
You're right
This ain't, the good life

Ah, Elegantly wasted Ah, Elegantly wasted
We look at all that shines
Baby's down on the world and she knows it
If your spirit's fine
Why don't we make it rain like we used to
We run
We hide
We want
The good life
Aw sure
You're right
This ain't, the good life
Ah, Elegantly wasted
(you could be right, you could be certain,
you could be right)