"Огден Нэш. Видеть - значит верить (Иронические произведения для взрослых и детей) " - читать интересную книгу автора

How courteous is the Japanese;
He always says, ?Excuse it, please."
He climbs into his neighbour's garden,
And smiles, and says, ?I beg your pardon";
He bows and grins a friendly grin,
And calls his hungry family in;
He grins, and bows a friendly bow;
?So sorry, this my garden now."

Как вежлив от природы он!
Встречая вас, кладет поклон.
А если к вам залезет в сад,
Он говорит: ?Я очень рад
Здесь видеть Вас, мой дорогой!?
Затем со всей своей родней
Приходит в сад и, встретив вас,
Поклон отвесит тыщу раз
И спросит вежливо потом:
?Что нужно Вам в саду моем??

Once there was a couple named Mr. and Mrs. Pepperloaf
and they were simply devoted,
Because each other was upon what they doted,
And in Mrs. Pepperloaf's eyes Mr. Pepperloaf could never err,
And he admitted only one flaw in her,
But it was a flaw which took many virtues to assuage,
Consisting in always asking him the date while she was reading
the paper with the date clearly printed on every page,
And whenever he called her attention to this least admirable
of her trails
She would retort that he didn't trust the paper's weather
forecasts so then why should she trust its dates.
For eleven years his patience held
But finally he rebelled.
It was on the evening of Friday the seventh that she looked
up from her paper and asked him the date,
And he replied firmly that she would find it at the top of
the page so she looked at the top of the page and that
was that, and presently they sat down to supper and ate,
And they were miserable because they had never disagreed
and this contretemps was a beginner for them,
And at nine his employer's wife called up to ask where were
she and eleven guests were waiting dinner for them,
And Mr. Pepperloaf asked Mrs. Pepperloaf how she could