"Henry Lion Oldie. The prophet" - читать интересную книгу автора

The Dictator kept silence, which was playing into his hands --
that's why Antisthenes spoke first.
-- What do you want from me?
The Dictator kept silence.
-- By what right, after all?..
The Dictator kept silence.
-- What do you want from me?! -- Antisthenes burst out shouting.
-- The elixir, -- the Dictator uttered very quietly, his lips hardly
moving, but Antisthenes would have understood even if he hadn't spoken at
-- I do not understand you.
-- Don't try to pull my leg. I'm not an expert, and I don't know the
exact properties of your elixir -- whether it prolongs life or returns
youth or renders one immortal... You'll supply the details later on. As
well as the technology. Just now I need a dose. One dose in exchange for
your life. Plus a lot of money. Do you get me? Very big money. Really
Antisthenes remained silent.
-- Well then. -- Crustill!
Heels clicked together behind Antisthenes' back.
-- At your command, your excellency.
-- This man must say "yes". Take him away.

Unable to walk by himself, Antisthenes had to be carried by the arms
and legs. There the guards stood him leaning against the wall.
Antisthenes staggered, but managed to steady huimself. The square was
reeling before his eyes. The officer began reading out the sentence.
Antisthenes had known the sentence. Short and clear as a burst of tommy-
gun fire. The people who had been driven into a huge crowd in the square,
kept a sullen silence. Antisthenes was considered to be a crank, a man
slightly touched in the head, a kind of God's fool doing no harm to
anyone. And that's why they were silent -- it was a usual form of
By the end of the sentence reading the town-hall clock began
striking noon, their chime drowning the words. Words, words, words... Who
said that? Don't remember. Four soldiers lined up facing him. Tommy-gun
locks went clicking. The gold-laced officer raised his hand. Antisthenes
could clearly see the black muzzles of the gun barrels. Now... Torn
flames blew up at him. And then there came silence.
-- Are you damned blind?! -- shouted the officer. -- Can't you hit a
man at thirty steps? -- he waved again. Tommy-guns opened fire. Bullets
were chipping chunks of brick off the wall, but Antisthenes was still
standing there.
The officer swore, snatched a gun from a soldier's hands and aimed
it carefully. At that very moment Antisthenes realized. People saw his
battered parched lips stretch in a smile, then they saw the sentenced man
detach himself from the wall and walk towards the soldiers. In a sudden
convulsive movement the officer pulled the trigger, but the fire once
again made a bend around the beaten man and stinged the wall crumbling
its plaster. In the crowd, a few women went hysterical. And then the