"Viktor Pelevin. Kroger's Revelation " - читать интересную книгу автора

the translation of the Gospels. In this case the targeting and focusing can
be achieved by variation of the print run of each separate volume. Below is a
table of the print runs of the eight-volume collection of Tolstoy's works in
1934 (RCHA data).

1st volume - 250 000

2nd volume - 82 000

3rd volume - 450 000

4th volume - 41 000

5th volume - 22 721

6th volume - 22 720

7th volume - 75 241

8th volume - 24

It is easy to see, that the rough focusing is accomplished through the first
four volumes, and the precise - through volumes five through eight.
The significance of Kroger's revelation in this connection is that it made it
possible to introduce a new method of determining the target of the next red
assault. This time it was possible to obtain completely precise results. The
protocols of the reconstruction and recommendations are attached.

Heil Hitler!

Main reconstructor I. Wolf


Protocol of reconstruction Nr. 320/125

On 12.1.1935 a reconstruction on the Tolstoy-Kaganovich case was carried out
at "Annenerbe". The method of the reconstruction was "Kroger's Revelation".
At 14:35, a gypsum state of Leo Tolstoy was established in the first
reconstruction hall, 1.5 meters high and including a mirror with the area of
11 sq. cm. and with an opening in the middle. A globe with the diameter of 1
m. on a support 0.75 m. high was established there as well. To model the
Russian revolution, a mock-up of Ivan Turgenev's estate "Lipki", scale 1:40,
was set on fire, located in the far right corner of the hall. The distances