"Viktor Pelevin. Kroger's Revelation " - читать интересную книгу автора

Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
-- People are saying strange things, Emma. My man in "Annenerbe" reported
that a certain Krцger from their department got drunk and presented Himmler
an entirely insane report. And Wolf - the Wolf that we trusted, instead of
putting the scoundrel under tribunal, made up a whole theory, according to
which Italy is going to attack Abyssinia...
Emma Kaltenbrunner:
-- So what?
Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
-- So everything came in motion. Yesterday Ribbentrop talked to Rome for two
hours on a high frequency connection, and in two days there will be an
extended conference with the fьhrer.
Emma Kaltenbrunner:
-- Ernst!
Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
-- What?
Emma Kaltenbrunner:
-- I know what you have to do. You have to go to Himmler and tell him
everything you know.
Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
-- Where do you think I was today? I stood straight in front of him for a
whole hour and talked, and he... He played with a puzzle the whole time - you
know, this glass cube with three balls on the inside... When I finished, he
took off his pince-nez, wiped it with a handkerchief - he has a scull even on
his handkerchief - and said: "Listen, Ernst! Have you by any chance, ever had
a dream, where you're riding in the back of a ragged truck who knows where,
and some monsters are sitting around you?" I didn't say anything. Then he
smiled and said: "Ernst, you know, I know as well as you that no astral
exists. But what do you think, if you, and even Kanaris, have your own people
in "Annenerbe", shouldn't I have my own people there are as well?" I did not
understand what he meant. "Think Ernst, think!" - he said. I kept silent.
Then he smiled and asked: "Whose man do you think is Krцger?"
Emma Kaltenbrunner:
-- Oh God!
Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
-- Yes, Emma... It seems I'm too simple for all these intrigues... But I know
that while the fьhrer needs me, my heart will keep beating... You will be by
my side, right? Come here, Emma...
Emma Kaltenbrunner:
-- Oh Ernst... Be good... Be good...
Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
-- Emma...
Emma Kaltenbrunner:
-- Ernst...
Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
-- You know, Emma... Sometimes it seems to me, that it's not me who is alive,
but the fьhrer living inside me...