"Дон Пендлтон. Chicago Wipe-Out ("Палач" #8) " - читать интересную книгу автора

He slipped into his shirt and muttered, "Does the gun bother you?"
"That's the first real gun I've ever seen," she said. "I had no idea
they looked so... so menacing."
"The word is deadly ," he told her. "And this one's a jewel. I picked
it up in France. Worked in the trigger for a four-pound pull, which means
she blasts if you breathe hard on her. She'll target eight rounds into a
two-inch grouping from thirty yards, and it takes less than a second to
reload. Carries nine-millimeter Parabellum hi-shockers, and she'll put a
crease in a guy that would make a tommy-gun green with envy."
"Why are you telling me all this?" she asked quietly.
"Just want you to know what you're traveling with. If I suddenly yell
down , that means you dematerialize and reassemble yourself on the ground or
on the floor, wherever you happen to be. It means that the Beretta Belle is
leaving her leather behind, and she comes out blasting, and we don't want
any beloved flesh getting into her path. Understood?"
Jimi murmured, "Understood," and withdrew a scruff of silk from a paper
bag. "Oh wow," she said. "Heart shaped panties. Where'd you say you bought
these things?"
He said, "Don't change the subject. I want you to..."
"I liked that part about beloved flesh," she told him impiously. "And
don't worry about me getting in your way. If you yell down , I'll just
faint. Would that put me out of the way quick enough?"
Bolan said, "Not hardly. I could be working on the second load before
you could topple over. When I say down , I mean this. " He showed her what
he meant, going from full perpendicular to flat horizontal in a heartbeat.
The girl's eyelids fluttered. She sank to her knees and showed him a
teasing smile. "Now I know where you got your boudoir prowess," she said.
"You learned it on the battlefield."
He got to his feet and barked, "Do it!"
Her eyes fluttered some more and she replied, "You're really serious."
"I've never been more serious in my life. It's a jungle out there we
have to get through, Jimi. You have to know how to survive it." He pulled
her upright and said, "Okay, now show me. Down. "
Jungle Jimi went down , then she rolled onto her back and lay there
laughing. "I can't wait to show the Foxy Ladies," she giggled. "How'd I do?"
"Okay," he growled. Again he pulled her upright, turned his back on
her, said "Get dressed, dammit," and took two steps across the room. Then he
cried, "Down " and flung himself to the floor in a lightning scramble,
rolling back towards the girl with the Beretta out at full extension.
She was standing where he'd left her, frozen, the heart-shaped panties
in her hands, gaping at him.
"Dammit, I just cut your legs off at the knees," he told her.
"I - I wasn't expecting you to say it," she explained.
"That's the whole point." He got up and found his trousers and put them
on. "That's the way it happens, when it happens." He snapped his fingers.
"Like that. And you better be flexed to react like that, if you mean to stay
The seriousness of the situation was beginning to impress itself on
her. She carried the clothing to the bed and began dressing. Her hands
trembled, and she was having other difficulties. Bolan went over to help