"Дон Пендлтон. Chicago Wipe-Out ("Палач" #8) " - читать интересную книгу автора

across from the entrance to the Town Acres Motor Lodge. Visibility in the
swirling, wind-driven snowfall was practically zero, and even the glittering
neon tower of Town Acres was no more than a phosphorescent-like glow
hovering in the sky.
Another vehicle nosed in behind Turk's car. Seconds later, crew chief
Bernie Tosca blew into the rear seat beside Larry Turk, bringing in a puff
of snowflakes with him.
Turk brushed delicately at his pants leg and growled, "What a night to
be out, eh?"
"Yeah." Tosca wiped the freezing moisture from his face and blew into
his hands. "That's the place over there, huh?"
"That's it. Homer Peoples has the girl concession here. You know
Tosca smiled nastily and replied, "Who doesn't. Is this a sure make,
"Not all that sure," Turk told him. "Homer saw this white Ferrari in
the parking lot. He went to the desk to check it out. Car has Indiana
plates, and the desk had 'em registered as Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin,
from Indianapolis. Homer couldn't get no more. The day shift had gone home
and nobody on duty remembered seeing the guy."
"Homer played it quiet, I hope," Tosca said.
"He said he did. The room number is B-240. That'll be south end,
"We have to go in through the lobby? I don't remember this layout."
"Naw, there's four ways up from outside - two stairs going up from the
parking lot, that's on this side, and two going up from the - whatta ya call
it, the courtyard? - anyway, there's four outside stairs."
"Oh yeah, I think I remember now. All these rooms open on the outside,
upstairs they got this iron porch that circles around the joint. I got it
"Okay," Turk said, "but listen. I want some boys in the lobby, and I
want boys on all four stairways. I want no fuck-ups, Bernie."
"Don't worry, there won't be any."
"You take him inside . I mean that. He gets out in this mess and we
might never see him again."
"What if he ain't there?"
"Then you sit and wait, and send somebody down to tell me. And also you
send me whoever else is in there."
"Right." Tosca nervously lit a cigarette and leaned against the door.
"You want this Bolan alive?"
"If you catch him in bed with his pants down, sure. But don't take no
chances. If he's ready for a fight, just bring me his head and his hands,
that's all I need. And don't leave nobody else alive. You know?"
"Right. Here's what I'm going to do, Turk. I'm sending two cars in
right here, into the parking lot, as insurance. And I'm taking Bobby Teal
and Joe the Bouncer with me up the south stairs. The rest of the boys I'll
have covering the other ways out."
Turk growled, "You better leave a couple of plug men at the bottom of
your stairs, too."
"Okay, yeah, I'll do that."