"Дон Пендлтон. Chicago Wipe-Out ("Палач" #8) " - читать интересную книгу автора

patient and cautious recon had failed to produce any intelligence which
would dissuade him from making the strike at this particular time and place.
The big lakeshore estate was reasonably secluded. There was no evidence of a
hardset defense - the staff of this Mafia joint appeared both modest and
relaxed - a small force of hardmen. Bolan had counted only four identifiable
gunbearers - one at the gate in front, one acting as a doorman, the other
two alternating on relief. The inside crew was made up of a cook, a
bartender and a waiter. The guests seemed to bring their female companions
with them; there was no whore-corps in residence. The two-story joint had
six bedrooms on the upper level. The lower level was taken over by the
kitchen and dining room, lounge, game room, and a large library that
probably served as a conference room.
Bolan could find no reason for his uneasiness. His own position had
been carefully selected and was as good a drop as he could reasonably expect
to find. He was comfortably situated in the garage apartment of an adjoining
estate which had been closed for the winter. He had the wind at his back and
a bird's-eye, unrestricted view of the target area. His line of withdrawal
provided several acceptable alternate routes of retreat, and he would be
firing along a three hundred-meter range - well beyond any effective retort
from handguns.
So why the uneasiness? Simple fear, maybe. Or an instinctive
recognition of... what? Bolan shook away the feeling. The flash review had
crowded his mind for only an instant and the long-awaited image of evil was
still crowding the vision field of the sniperscope. The target was standing
beside the vehicle from which he had just emerged, his face thrust
aggressively into the raw wind slanting in from the lake, and he was
evidently giving some instructions to his driver. His woman had already gone
inside - a luscious blonde in a fur coat who displayed a wiggle that
promised everything.
The intense magnification of these big scopes created a distortion of
reality; Aurielli's face seemed to be just hanging there - discarnate, a
blob of humanity that had somehow managed to insinuate itself in the lens.
And, yeah, a war was waiting. Last minute fears or not, the moment had
Bolan sighed, and his finger knew no compunction as it caressed the
trigger of the big Weatherby. The high-powered rifle thundered into the
recoil as the .460 Magnum missile tore along the one-second course. Bolan
grimaced and rode the recoil, his eye flaring into the scope in the effort
to maintain target continuity as the image disintegrated in a frothy
implosion of blood and bone and tissue - and Louis Aurielli, Mafia
underboss, suddenly ceased to exist in the space-time world.
The bolt-action moved swiftly and smoothly as the Weatherby immediately
swung a few degrees left and the long barrel elevated an inch or two to
acquire the next target. The dumbly-dismayed visage of Aurielli's pretty-boy
bodyguard, one Adonis Sallavecci, hung there for a frozen instant in the
framework of doom as it contemplated the inexplicable behavior of a
disintegrating boss. The sound-wave bearing the rustling report of that
first round reached the target area at about the same instant that the
second Magnum mushroomed into Sallavecci's once-pretty face, and another
target was fragmented and flung beyond the vision field of the sniperscope.