"Дон Пендлтон. Renegade Agent ("Палач" #47) " - читать интересную книгу автора

second. True, this was significantly less energy and velocity than a
traditional .22 pistol, but the airgun in the right hands was a potently
lethal-and silent-machine.
The Hurricanes that Bolan and Gadgets carried on this softprobe were
not designed for killing. Stony Man armorer Andrzej Konzaki had modified
them to shoot not slugs, but darts containing a powerful and fast-acting
tranquilizer. Originally the guns were to be used only as a last resort, if
confronted by a security officer.
Bolan swept his light over the sedated animal. The devouring pinscher
was long and lean, black as the blitzer himself. He would not kill an animal
if he could help it, even a kill-trained one; it had no place in his war.
Outside in the hallway, someone pounded on the anteroom door. Bolan flicked
off the flash, froze in the darkness.
Silence, then more pounding.
The pounding stopped. The door eased open.
"He's not here." The relief in the man's voice was obvious. "Of course
the mutt's not here. He's in the bossman's office where he belongs. Let's
get moving."
"I say I heard him making strange noises."
"Listen, we got two minutes till we have to punch in at Station Four.
I'll go easy on you, you're new. The dog is making strange noises because
any noise it makes is strange. You ever seen it? If you have, you never
wanna see it again. That is a mean pooch, Edgar. I leave him alone, he
leaves me alone, we're both happy."
"I think there's something going on in there."
"I tell you what, Edgar." The older guy was losing his patience. "You
have a need to let that hound chew you up into Gainesburger, you go right
ahead. Me, I'm gonna punch in at Four."
There was a pause before Edgar said, "I'm going to check on him."
Inside Charon's office, Bolan slipped another tranquilizer dart into
the Hurricane's breech, cocked the pistol, leveled it on the door. Footsteps
shuffled across the carpet in the outer office. They stopped in front of the
access-control panel.
Bolan's eyes etched the darkness as he waited for this non-notable to
approach. But then the guard muttered, "Ah, the hell with it." Bolan gave
him ten beats to get to the outer door and close it, then turned to Gadgets.
"Let's get down to business."


Mack Bolan lit a cigarette and shifted restlessly in the padded leather
swivel chair.
April Rose, sitting across the conference table from him, caught his
eye and flashed him a fast smile.
His ally during The Executioner's final Days of De-Creation with which
the Mafia wars ended, the tall lush-bodied woman was now "housekeeper" at
Stony Man Farm headquarters, overseeing every incredible aspect of the
operation, providing logistics, back-up support, care to the few and mighty
to Mack Bolan, Able Team, Phoenix Force, who deployed against the terrorist
menace. This meeting in the War Room was a debriefing.