"Дон Пендлтон. The Libya Connection ("Палач" #48) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Don Pendleton

The Libya Connection

The Executioner - 48


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"Don Pendleton. The Libya Connection": Gold Eagle; 1982

ISBN ISBN 0-373-61048-3


This time, all the stops were out. Mack Bolan became a single-minded,
death-spewing avenger the minute Eve disappeared...
Someone he cared about, Eve had been swallowed up by the voracious
bloodthirst of international terror.
Bolan stalked the savages responsible deep into the labyrinth of
double-dealing and betrayal that marks modern terrorism. The hunt took him
from the lush Caribbean to the scorching Sahara in pursuit of the Libyan
connection that held the fate of civilization in its grasp.
For The Executioner, it was the toughest mission yet, fueled by the
most righteous revenge. Anyone who got in his way... was dead.

Don Pendleton
The Libya Connection

The essential American is a man
who keeps his moral integrity hard
and intact, an isolate, almost selfless,
stoic enduring man who lives by death.
D. H. Lawrence

For mere vengeance I would do nothing.
This nation is too great to look for mere
revenge. But for the security of the future
I would do everything.
James Garfield

I live on the razor's edge that separates
the living from the dead. Vengeance is not
my sword. I fight only for the future of us all,
and it is an endless fight.
Mack Bolan, The Executioner (from his journal)