"Terry Pratchett: bibliography (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

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This is the bibliography of the bestselling author Terry Pratchett.
In it are listed uk merkin editions of his books which have been
published for open sale (i.e. it excludes editions available only to
book club members) and the 'blurbs' to the first uk ( commonwealth)
hardcover and paperback editions of each are given, by way of intro-
duction. Information on his shorter fiction, on books and on maps of
associational interest, on "forn language" editions is also given,
where known.

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Contributions, corrections, comments and changes should be directed to:

ppint. who now maintains the bibliography; please cc.
to orin : and many thanks to him, for his work on it,
over the years, and to the many afpers abp-ers, who've contributed.

1. The Discworld Series

1.1 The Colour of Magic
1.2 The Light Fantastic
1.3 Equal Rites
1.4 Mort
1.5 Sourcery
1.6 Wyrd Sisters
1.7 Pyramids
1.8 Guards! Guards!
1.9 Eric
1.10 Moving Pictures
1.11 Reaper Man
1.12 Witches Abroad
1.13 Small Gods
1.14 Lords and Ladies
1.15 Men At Arms
1.16 Soul Music