"Terry Pratchett: bibliography (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

9.2 Note on merkin publishers ISBNs.
9.3 Note on non-english language editions' publishers ISBNs.
9.4 Note on book formats.

The blurbs given here are to UK Commonwealth editions.

Note on Publishers, ISBNs, and book formats at end of this bibliography;
but briefly, "p/b" indicates a uk paperback, "mmp/b" a merkin (us) mass
market paperback edition, whilst "h/cvr" signifies a hardcover edition.

%A = author %T = title %I = imprint %D = date of publication

Note on cover artists.

Josh Kirby is the single artist most popularly associated with Terry's
books, though he was not in fact the first artist to produce cover art
for his work - Terry himself did that - nor even that of the very first
Discworld novel, _The Colour of Magic_; but he was Transworld's choice
for cover artist for the first p/b of this, and has graced - or disgraced
() the covers of the uk editions of the Discworld books ever since -
with one exception: Transworld tested a "serious" cover on a printing of
_The Colour of Magic_ in an apparent attempt to broaden the sales appeal
to encompass sad people hitherto put off what some have described as lit-
erature, by visibly non-serious cover art. the attempt was not entirely
successful, and has not been repeated - or even reprinted.

the (merkin) mmp/bs from New American Library (later Penguin USA) Signet
/Roc have featured cover artwork by Darrell K. Sweet that most, but not
all, who have compared with Josh Kirby's, concur to be less in sympathy
with the feel of the Discworld (though by no means necessarily less true
to the descriptions of the characters in Terry's text; rather, the reverse).
apparently the Signet/Roc mmp/bs of _The Light Fantastic_, _Equal Rights_,
_Mort_ use josh kirby's artwork. [these not seen by myself; but i suspect,
this being so, the cover art of _The Colour of Magic_ does, too.(ppint.)]

later merkin h/cvr editions published by HarperCollins have altogether
more "serious" cover art: designs deemed to be symbolic of the novels,
rather than illustrative of them, by Michael Sabanosh, Carl D.Galian.

1. The Discworld Series

Without a doubt, the most popular series of books that Terry Pratchett
has written.

1.1 The Colour of Magic