"Terry Pratchett: bibliography (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

%A Terry Pratchett
%T The Colour of Magic
%I Colin Smythe (h/cvr) (cvr art: Alan Smith)
%D 11/83
ISBN 0-86140-089-5 [this edition now out of print]
%I St. Martin's (merkin h/cvr) (cvr art: Alan Smith)
%D [?11/83]
%I Corgi (p/b)
%D 1985 [re-set, c.1993/4 i think. (ppint.)]
ISBN 0-552-12475-3
%I Colin Smythe (h/cvr) (+ intro by Terry; new cover art - by Josh Kirby)
%D 1989
ISBN 0-86140-324-X
%I Signet (mmp/b)
%D /87 [this edition now out of print]
ISBN 0-451-15705-2
%I Corgi (two-cassette audio/b; abr.)
%D 1993
ISBN 0-552-14017-1
%I ROC (mmp/b)
ISBN 0-451-45112-0
%I Isis (six-cassette audio/b)
%D 1995
ISBN 1-85695-800-0
%I Victor Gollancz (miniature h/cvr)
%D 1995
ISBN 0-575-06165-0
there is also a large-print h/cvr edn:
%I Isis
%D (not yet known)
ISBN (not yet known)

1st edition h/cvr blurb (thank-you for the d-j, colin smythe :-) ):

Terry Pratchett has invented a phantasmagorical universe in
which a blissfully naive interplanetary tourist called Two-
flower joins up with a drop-out wizard whose spells only seem
to work half of the time. Together they undertake a chaotic
voyage through a crazy world filled with monsters and dragons,
heroes and knaves. Pratchett has taken the sword and sorcery
fantasy tradition and turned it in its ear to create an enter-
taining and bizarre spoof.

h/cvr blurb (of the 1995 printing):

Since the publication of _The Colour of Magic_ in 1983, Terry
Pratchett's Discworld series (described by the _Guardian_ as
`a sequence of unalloyed delight') now has seventeen bestselling